Chapter 9

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[Chapter warning: Unreliable narrator. Everyone's panicking. Mentions of an identity crisis.]


Madara stood outside the gigantic gates of his clan's compound, arms crossed and features set in an intimidating scowl. 

Izuna was to his right, the smirk never once leaving his lips even as his feet shuffled occasionally, a sign Madara knew to be restlessness and impatience

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Izuna was to his right, the smirk never once leaving his lips even as his feet shuffled occasionally, a sign Madara knew to be restlessness and impatience.

His younger brother, Madara had to admit, has an incredible and almost unbreakable poker face, but his feet tend to betray him. Being motionless was something Izuna never grew into, always on the move and quick to act – it was one flaw Madara tended to exploit during their sporadic sibling spats.

After the rest of his clan members have been aptly informed about their most anticipated guests, the mood plummeted with trepidation. The 'honourable' elders desired an ambush despite knowing better, and instead of working together to plan contingencies for emergencies, Madara wasted a lot of time tearing them a new one.

The screaming match was one of the louder ones, and even Izuna joined in, though thankfully to back him up rather than add fuel to the already raging inferno. Madara truly needed to get those old geezers replaced soon, they were getting too old, too set in their ways, and far too senile. Their priorities differed too greatly from his, and the safety of the clan seemed second to their goal of 'death to all Senju'.

The civilians at least knew to follow protocol and refrained from rioting. They hid in their houses, locked doors and windows, and kept the children from leaving the safety of their homes. Guards were paired in twos stationed all over the rooftops, whilst patrols were done in a seemingly random schedule, all of them armed to the teeth and ready for war. They were under orders to remain on the defensive, and they knew to prioritize their clanmates' safety.

Once the Senju arrive, the guards would alternate their sharingan. Whilst one guard would rest and save their chakra reserves for a potential fight, their partner would keep theirs activated. That way, no genjutsu could befall them and no enemy could take them by surprise. Their guests would undoubtedly feel uncomfortable with so many sharingan eyes boring into them, and it might even be considered rude, but Madara was not taking any risk.

It was better to be safe than sorry.

Balanced on the top of watchtowers and crouched atop the walls that surrounded their home were more guards, their position giving them the advantage of high ground. It was an intimidating sight for any non-Uchiha to see, and Madara felt pride swell from his chest. Teamwork and cooperation have always been something the Uchiha were renowned for. During missions, the only ones that performed solo were Madara, Izuna, and Hikaku. The rest would always be in teams of three, or two the least.

Some of them appeared dishevelled and have bloodstains on their garment and skin, but that was to be expected. They had been suddenly recalled from their missions and had not had the time to rest or change, but they did not hesitate to return to protect their home. More were still on their way, and whilst a minority could not leave or delay their mission due to how important the clients were, their notes conveyed their regret and prayers.

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