Chapter 8

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"Good morning, sleeping beauty!" Hikaku chirped.

Judging by how dark it still was, Obito guestimates it was ass o'clock right now, and he did not want or need to be awake at this time. Obito mumbled a half-hearted curse word, far too groggy to be coherent or polite (not that he ever was, mind).

"Let's start the day extra early, Obito. We should reach home by noon if we move now."

"No. Sleep. Fuck off," was his muffled response. He even made sure to stubbornly roll away from the other Uchiha to prove a point. There was a slight discomfort from his wounds at his action, but Obito had worst to give a crap.

"Turn that frown upside down. It's a beautiful day to get things done!"


"I knew you'd see it my way. Now, let's get a move on!"

"Five more minutes..."


Groaning at being pulled to his feet, Obito yawned whilst batting Hikaku's hands away. The sun was just peeking across the horizon and it made Obito's dislike for morning people heighten. Nobody should be awake at a time like this, especially someone who was still recovering from chakra exhaustion and deep stab wounds.

"This is why you're Bakaku," Obito dragged his feet sullenly as he followed behind the younger Uchiha.

This forest path they were traversing on wasn't exactly fit for civilians, mind, but it was better than being out in the open. Obito wasn't in any condition to jump from tree to tree, and he'd rather bite his own tongue than be carried by Hikaku again. Thus, they compromised (with a lot of swearing and tantrum-throwing on Obito's part).

Hikaku peered over his shoulder with a confused expression. "What even is a bakaku? I've heard you use that twice now."

"An idiot," Obito sneered, "which you obviously are if you don't even know that."

The other Uchiha turned to face him whilst walking backward. He smiled patiently and so painfully fond."Honestly, Obito. We may be friends-"

Obito bristled and was quick to deny with as much venom as he could muster, "Friends?! Who says we are friends?! Don't make shit up!"

"But on what grounds do you deem that a suitable nickname for me? I would prefer a diminutive," Hikaku continued smoothly as if there hadn't been any interruption.

"Tch, that's not a fucking nickname, dipshit! It's an insult! An insult! Be insulted, dammit!" He shrieked, completely unaware that his arms had been flailing around ridiculously.

"You're right. I'd say it's an 'affectionate term' rather than a nickname..." Rather than be annoyed as any normal person would, Hikaku spoke as if he was mulling aloud. However, Obito could clearly see the teasing glint in those black eyes of his. Hikaku definitely has a talent for raising his blood pressure, that was for sure.

"... Do the world a favor and drop dead!" He puffed out his cheek grumpily with crossed arms.

"I'd have to refuse. Too many dependant souls to look after, I'm afraid. I can't, in due consideration, abandon them." Hikaku was even looking innocently at Obito as if he was one of those dependant souls. The gall of some people!

"You- You- You bastard! Just wait, Bakaku! Once my chakra recovers, I'll skin you alive and piss on your fucking grave!" Obito shrieked in rage, which only further elevates Hikaku's mood.

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