Chapter 5

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Obito would rather answer Guruguru's awkward questions than be in this situation right now. Well, not really. But he was dead serious when he said he didn't want to be carried like a helpless civilian damsel any longer. It has been a whole day, for fuck's sake!

"Put me down already!" He hisses, lips pulled into a snarl as (humiliation) anger continues to color his cheeks red.

"Now now, let's be reasonable here, hm? You're in no condition to walk on your own. Let me help - at least until your fever has cooled."

Despite how gentle the stranger's tone and actions were, Obito was tempted to just propel forward and tear out the guy's throat with only his teeth. It was too bad his body was being disgustingly uncooperative right now. Obito sneers.

"I don't need your help! Or anybody's! Leave me the fuck alone!"

As soon as he said his piece, Obito once again tries to wiggle free. That only resulted in a sigh, before without warning, he was released.

He yelps the second his back abruptly hits the grassy ground, swear words leaving his lips as his vision wavers. If the landing had resulted in his stitches tearing open, he would have been frothing at the mouth due to the burning fury that has been gradually accumulating since his arrival in this time.

When his eyesight finally stabilizes after a couple of minutes, Obito notices that the younger Uchiha was busy with setting up camp. He turns away, deciding to ignore the bloke in order to survey their surroundings. The area the other shinobi chose was hidden perfectly between a set of humongous trees and a cliff's edge, good enough for a night, Obito reluctantly agrees. Nothing was better than Kamui, of course, but as old man Madara tends to say; 'beggars can't be choosers'.

"We'll rest here tonight. It's not safe to travel after dark," the younger Uchiha states.

Obito's kept his lips pressed into a thin line, doing his best to give the guy the silent treatment. If threatening and yelling didn't procure any result, maybe the silent treatment would hint that Obito wanted the guy to drop dead.

Time passes by oddly to him, what with the fever-induced migraine and bone deep exhaustion he feels. Obito couldn't even remember what he was doing a second ago - had he been eating or dozing? - as if one moment he was watching the sun set, and the next everything was pitch black.

He only recalls having human company with him when the other Uchiha's hand was on his shoulder, manuevering him about. Before Obito realizes it, his back was already pressed into a strong chest and arms were secured around his hips. His snarl sounded weak even to his own ears. Powerless. Pathetic.

"I don't remember giving you permission to fucking touch me!"

What right did the bastard have to manhandle him like a sack of potatoes, anyway?! Just because they both hailed from the same clan didn't mean Obito would allow this bastard to touch him - or sage forbids; help him. He didn't need help! He only needed time to recover and he would be on his merry way. He wasn't weak, damn it!

"You have a fever. And you're shivering."

If Obito wasn't dead tired, he would have rolled his eyes skyward when the man deemed it necessary to verbally remind him of his physical condition. And as if that was a reasonable explanation to start, ugh, cuddling him.

"Leave me alone," Obito mumbles sluggishly with his heavy eyelids. "Why are you doing this? I... I don't understand your motives. Your actions aren't benefiting you at all. Why can't you just leave me alone? I want to be... left alone... fucking... jerk..."

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