Chapter 02: Redemption

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It had been international news with the death of the great Phantom Thief, Kaitou KID. 

Everyone from all around had gathered together for the memorial. The police and Nakamori-Keibu had strongly debated and lastly decided, to keep the past criminals identity a secret.

So while the world had mourned the once-great elusive thief. A handful of people and close friends gathered to bid their goodbyes to one Kuroba Kaito.


Standing back behind the small group of people and friends that knew Kaito, Shinichi stared blankly ahead of him. The small words and stories spoke of the brunette, the sniffles and small cry's from both Nakamori's, they surrounded him, but never fully registered yet.

The day had been raining.

He didn't know what to make of that. In his head, a small voice that suspiciously sounded like Kaito laughing humorously at the irony of the scene, before saying something along the lines of... "That's just so cliche! Lighten things up would you!"

It would be just like him to be cheerful and wanting to make things a little lighter at moments like this.

Kuroba Kaito was a being of his own, if he could, he would have wanted for everyone at his funeral to smile. For them to be sad, yes, but not for too long. 

"Kudou! Check this trick out! I just know you won't be able to get this one!"

"Sorry to say it Kudou, but I must un-friend you. How could you have NOT read, Arsène Lupin! That's just a crime!"

"Come on Shinichi! You need to get out of the house and LIVE a little! How can you read in the same spot for three days straight!"

"Aoko you traitor! I regret ever knowing you Shinichi! How could you like those f-finny spawns of evil!"

"Is the Meitantei, asking this simple Magician for assistance~!" 

Everyone has already left now. 

It was only Shinichi now.

"Hey, Kaito... do you still think of me as a great detective?"

No response, but what can one expect from the dead?

"I think you were wrong, that everyone was wrong about me. I'm not a Great Detective. I messed up Kaito. I made the wrong choice. I denied the truth. I believed in an idea that no longer had any validation. And even when I did finally figured it out, I was too afraid to confront it."

He could feel the tightness in his throat but pushed through. He needed to say this.

"I'm a coward! A coward who made the biggest mistake in his life!"

At this point, he collapsed to his knees, uncaring for the mud and dirt sinking into his clothes and skin.

"I... I hurt you Kaito... I hurt you by lying about loving you."

God, how much did he hurt his thief? How much did Kaito suffer after he stupidly rejected him? How much did he suffer just being friends with him?!

Because now Shinichi could see, can now acknowledge the small anomalies in their relationship. How the brunette seemed to beam whenever they were together, how his smile was always fake whenever he and Ran were together, the small sights of pink and red dusted against his cheeks.

The love of his life was right there! Standing by his side the entire time. 

Kaito never left him, never stopped caring for him.

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