Chapter 04: Lost

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Shinichi had always been surrounded by death. He didn't know if it was because he was young and always looking for trouble, but no matter what, be it going to cafes or parks, there is usually a body laying somewhere.

Now he wasn't Superstition in the beginning, but thanks to being Spade he knows there are such things as magic being real, so Pandora had to be too. And if something as illogical as magic is real, why not some kind of being like death?

And to get why he's thinking about this is because if a being like death is real, then they must be some kind of an asshole for denying him something that they so willy-nilly give to others but can't seem to do the same for him!

If death was tangible, he would sock-em in the face for doing this to him.

Shinichi really couldn't get a break.



That was the first thing he heard when sudden consciousness came knocking at him.

There was a familiar room with a familiar bed and a familiar everything.

He knew this place, he knew where he was. But it shouldn't look like this, it shouldn't be here.

He shouldn't be here!


Was the horrified whisper that came out in a distinct child's voice.


This couldn't be real, this can't be real! Why was he here! Why is he back here! He shouldn't be here! He SHOULDN'T BE HERE!



Why must he suffer so much? Why is this happening to him!

Didn't he endure enough already? Didn't he pay back his debt?!

Why! Why why why whywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhywhy


He just wants it to end.

He wants Kaito!

Was this Karmas way of saying he, Kudou Shinichi, was not worthy of death and with extension, Kaito?

Did he mess up so bad that the universe decided that he should be punished by returning to his body as Conan?


Shinichi thought.

'You fuckin won.'

He didn't realise that he's been crying and yelling for a while now. A concerned and freaked out Ran already by his side, trying to calm him, which is for not.

Shinichi, Conan, just wanted an end.

He wants Kaito.


For what felt like forever, was an hour-long of Conan having a mental breakdown, before his small body shut down.

Ran, who was greatly distressed by the event called for both herself and Conan's schools to inform them that they weren't to be in for the day.

She had never, in her time of knowing Conan, seen him anywhere near like what she saw this morning. It honestly scared her when she heard a scream from his room, expecting some kind of murder scene.

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