Chapter 03: Found

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Years passed, and Shinichi's search continued.

He faced challenges, made many enemies, became so wanted that the entire world knew about him. Country after country, jewel after jewel, no one could get him.

He even at one point had found the organization that killed Kaito and his father. But unlike what he did with own his organization, the one that turned him into Conan. Those people never met the sight of a jail cell.

Every single one of them, met their end by either a bullet or the tip of his sword. Not one of them escaped the hands of Spade, The Knight. There had been some satisfaction from ending their despicable lives, but in the end, Shinichi still walks the earth, feeling as empty and lonely as before.


A quiet afternoon, and gentle breeze.

"I know you wouldn't be happy with me."

There was a short pause as if waiting for an answer he knew won't come.

"I'm sorry if it's not exactly what you would have wanted Kaito. But I'm not sorry for doing it."

He kneeled.

"Please don't blame yourself. I did it by my own will."

If he knew anything, his dear thief wasn't a being of violence. Especially killing.

He placed a single white rose on the tombstone, the words "Kuroba Kaito" engraved in it. He ran his fingers over them lightly.

"I've got a new lead. It's due to be shipped in about a week from now. I have a good feeling about this one."

Leaning his head against the cold stone, he took a moment to imagine his love's face, smiling and laughing out, bright and perfect and warm.

"I love you, Kaito. I'll be back."


The museum was silent when a dark figure entered.

Shinichi disabled the security beforehand and knocked out everyone around. No one could stop him as walked casually to the gem and plucked it off the pedestal.

With it now, he took off to the roof.

The night was cold, but the sky was clear of clouds and the moon was full. It was a perfect night. Taking a moment of breath, and maybe a small prayer too, he lifted the rock to heaven.

A moment, another...

'Failure again.'

He signed, clearly a little upset, but resigned as well.




It glowed.

It glowed RED!!

"I found it... I-I"

Emotions, so many of them he couldn't tell what was bubbling up in him, everything, nothing, All? Shinichi doesn't know, but he knew one thing.

"I did it Kaito... I did it! hahaha! Kaito I did it!!!"

His tears streamed down. He honestly couldn't care that he was becoming a weeping mess. Clutching onto the large gem tighter, enough so he feels it could crack.

A grin, large and almost sincere enough to be genuine swept upon his lips.

It had been so long, so lonely these past years, and not a day went by that he didn't think about his precious Kaito. There were even times when he felt too impatient and wanted nothing more than end it all and just be with his love in the afterlife.

But he didn't, because he knew deep inside he didn't deserve it, he didn't deserve the easy way. No, not him who hurt his only saving grace.

He needs to repent, to make amends for the mistakes he's taken.

But now it's here, it's finally time.

... ~...~...

For such an important moment, the Detective by day and Thief by night had to do things right. Meaning, a change in locations.

He left the museum rooftop and headed for the streets. There was one specific place he needs to be.

After some train rides and a lot of walking, he finally made it back.

Gentle hands roamed over the carved name, like touching something from the holy scriptures.

"In loving Memory of Kuroba Kaito."

"Kaito, I'm back."

Shinichi whispered tone filled will love and longing.

"I've finally found Pandora. We did it Kaito, we found it."

There was no response like usual, but to Shinichi, there was no need for one. Not when soon enough he'll be where he was always meant to be.

"I've always thought that when I'd find it, I would hate it on sight. Because of this rock, both your father and you fell."

He gazed down at the gemstone. It was a blue diamond, just a little smaller than his palm, and decorated around it was golden vines and through the loop on top was a golden chain.

It was that same colour as his own blue eyes.

Tearful Change.

That was the name of it. A stone with a story about a sorcerer gone insane with grief at the death of his lover, whom of which died because of him.

In his despair, all the magic that resided inside himself consumed him until there was nothing left but his tears that crystallised into what was before him today.

Such a strange and dramatic tale, but a tale that kind of spoke to him. He could relate to the tale scarily well. But it was still weird to him regardless.

Raising it to the moon, he had to check again, to be sure of it once more.

Red. Red as blood. A gem within another.

"I know I should hate it. But I don't."

He should hate this gem. And he does hate it, but another side of him appreciated it. Because with it existing, he could leave this world. He could be with Kaito with one less regret.

He placed the blue gem before the grave like an offering. Its centre shining red and slightly blending in with the blue to create, violet, purple and lastly, indigo.

A hand reached inside his clothes for the items he needs to finish it all.

On one hand, a simple but powerful handgun, custom made. In the other, two specially made bullets that have been made for this awaited day.

Taking one more look at the gravestone, his eyes softened and moved forward to lean one last time on its hard cold surface.

"I've made you wait long enough... It's time."

He retreats and loads the bullets up, before switching off the handguns safely.

"I'll be with you soon, Kaito."






Two gunshots echoed through the air of the graveyard, disturbing its stillness before silence fell once more.

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