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Sᴏɴɢ ғ ᴛʜᴇ Cʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ
"You make me so angry and mad for no reason. I'm serious but you make me into a loser, who picks fights with you.
Why do I care so much about you?
You're making a big boy act like a little kid. But, I'm going to flip the situation, from friends to lovers."
Bᴏʏ Iɴ Lᴜᴠ – BTS


Jungkook's blood froze over.

He stood there, stupidly gazing at both of them with his mouth open. It felt as if he was immersed in ice-cold water causing his heart to give a painful lurch.

Jimin's head swiveled towards him. He turned ready to chew out the person who had disturbed his vocation. He was ready to end somebody until he noticed who exactly interrupted him. His lips stretched into a shit-eating grin as he shook his head in amusement.

"And here I thought I would be getting a break. Is there something you need, Jungkook?" Jimin asked with a suave tone that dripped complacency.

Jimin went ahead and wiped the excess ink off of the woman's chest, who seemed scarily unperturbed with the fact that her pierced nipples were out in plain sight.

Jungkook stood aloof. His stomach did somersaults as he felt the blood rush to his face and something liken to a leaden form of humiliation pooled in his chest.

At Jungkook's noticeable discomfort the woman burst out into raspy chuckles. Her dry laugh credited to years on end of smoking snapped Jungkook out of his daze and he quickly turned around with a flaming face. He squeezed his eyes shut in hopes of disregarding the recurring images in his head.

"Well isn't that adorable. Park, you know him?"


Jungkook gulped and tried to keep his breath in control.

Jimin turned towards the woman with a smirk which significantly lessened when he caught her looking at Jungkook with a devilish twinkle in her eyes. Eyes which surveyed Jungkook from head to toe, running over every ravine of his black clothing which did wonders in accentuating certain parts of his body.

"Something like that," Jimin muttered.

"I-I didn't — I was looking for. . . but he said second to last and I thought. . . Oh my god." What a sight. If someone were to stroll by at this very second they would see a desperate Jungkook rambling off to a wall.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing." Jungkook recoiled at the woman's voice. The woman's raspy tone drove through him like a nail on a chalkboard.

"Val, you're married," Jungkook heard Jimin mutter.

"Oh come on! That doesn't mean I can't appreciate eye candy when I see any. Hell, fuck admiring from afar, a little taste wouldn't be so bad now would it?"

"It would be given the fact that you are already coupled to one flavor. Your husband, sweetheart. How about you leave the variety to us single ones?" Jimin reasoned whilst his trainee remained frozen at the door frame practically trembling in embarrassment.

"Oh please. As if you didn't have enough Park. With those looks, you'll have women, men, and everything in between lining up. Don't bullshit me."

"Here," Jimin said with a laugh. He placed a towel on the lady's bare chest before directing his attention back to his flustered trainee.

"You can turn around now."

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