Chapter 28.

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Chapter 28 ━━ Reunite With An Old Friend

Chapter 28 ━━ Reunite With An Old Friend

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"This place has really gone through hell." Jorge mutters as the group pushes through the crowd of people, heading to the entrance of the city. 

"We just gotta stay together." Thomas announces as they keep moving forward to meet a crowd of angry people gathering together, raising their fists in the air, forming a commotion as they chant the same thing in unison. 

"Let us in! Let us in! Let us in!" 

"Thomas! This is not what you're looking for." Jorge yells at Thomas over the noise. "All these people trying to find their way in, you think you're gonna find something they can't?!" 

"Came this far. I'm not turning back now." Thomas yells back. 

"What the hell did we get ourselves into?" Frypan wonders out loud as he tries his best to keep with the group. 

Katherine titles her head slightly, observing the masked men lurking around them. "This doesn't feel right." 

Noticing the same, Newt grabs into Katherine's hand and moves past through the crowd to stop at Thomas. "Hey, guys, we gotta go now!" 

"Look." He adds, pointing at the masked men nearing them through the crowd. 

Jorge's eyes widen before he takes his gun out of his holster, ready to shoot. Before Thomas reacts or makes a move, a thunderous echoes from the walls, shaking the air and utter lull fill within the crowd. 

Katherine knits her eyebrows together with confusion as people run in the opposite direction with fear. "What the hell?" 

Machine guns rise from the posts in the wall and directly point towards them. 

"We gotta get out of here!" Frypan urges. 

The rest of the group agrees and turns around to run as Thomas keeps glued to his spot, watching the huge machine guns. 

"Move your ass, you imbecile!" Katherine grabs on her twin brother's arm and forcefully yanks him backwards. 

Thomas comes to his senses and turns around when the machine guns fire, beginning the chaos. 

People scream in terror and pain as Katherine runs, avoiding the explosions of the mini-missiles and losing Newt into the crowd. 

She covers behind a building and searches for a glimpse of the familiar blond boy. "Newt! Newt!" 

Abruptly two arms grab her from behind. It is a masked man. 

"Get your hands off of me!" Katherine struggles to fight back but another masked man joins him. "Get off me!" 

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