Chapter 19: The Package

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The Package

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The Package

The five of us were now in the van trying to help John B 'solve all of our problems' as he worded it. We were all tired from the night before and wanted nothing more then to have a shower and sleep. However, if this was going to help John B, and ease the tension that was starting to rise with whether this was just JB going crazy or an actual treasure hunt. What did we really have to lose?

I was resting my head in JJs lap looking up at his blue eyes. The same eyes I would get lost in whenever I needed a distraction. The same eyes that were there for me when I was in trouble. The same eyes that masked his feelings in a beautiful thundery ocean.

He took a long hit from his joint and blew the smoke down to me in hopes I would inhale it. The little action making me release a slight smile at him as I inhaled the smoke.

"Are you okay?" JJ mouthed in hopes no one else would notice.

I responded with a confused face and answered with "Why wouldn't I be?". He simply shook his head in a 'never mind' motion and went back to focusing his attention on finding excuses to sit out this adventure.

"Dude where are we?" I asked John B noticing he lead us into a cemetery and we were surrounded by gravestones.

"Just shut up and follow me." He responded without looking back at us, continuing to observe our surroundings and lead us further into the cemetery.

"Someone's on his period." I mumbled while rolling my eyes. I heard a slight snicker from JJ, and saw John B look back at us with an annoyed look. I guess I said that too loud. Oh well.

"John B! This doesn't seem safe!" Pope whisper yelled.

"Why you scared?" I teased with a slight smirk.

"No." He responded short and sweet letting me know that he was, in fact, scared.

Noticing his mood change I gradually made my way over to his side, not allowing anyone else to observe my movements, as I slipped his hand into my own hold. He looked down at the little action as his breathing began to regulate realising it was only me and not a security guard about to arrest him.

"Where do we go from here?" JJ asked uneasy about the whole situation.

John B began to answer showing us the way to the tomb he had his eyes on the whole time allowing us to slightly slow down once we reached it.

"Okay this shit isn't working." John B announced finally admitting defeat after trying to open the tomb.

"Move out of the way boys, I got this." I said jokingly knowing I wouldn't be able to move it. After a few minutes of continuous pushing I noticed a slight opening and figured I could fit.

"I can fit in there." I spoke seriously.

"No way." JJ argued, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind in a protective manner.

"Aw you worried about little old me?" I teased with a little giggle as he began to slightly tickle me.

"Come on I got this." I said getting out of JJs surprisingly strong grip. I placed my hands high up into the opening, and put my foot on a spare rock that gave me a boost.

"You good in there?" John B asked protectively.

"If you see anything scary just leave and forget this whole thing." Pope said instinctively since I didn't respond.

"Got like a heartbeat and everything?" JJ added.

I couldn't help but let out a little giggle at his remark, also allowing them to know I was okay.

After looking around a little I noticed a package with the words 'Dear Bird' littered across it. Once grabbing the package I looked around a little more only to see something that made me regret those actions. I quickly stumbled out, falling a little to the ground and handing over the package to John B.

"Hey you okay?" Kie asked, noticing my unsettled state.

"Yeah fine." I let out with a few shaky breaths trying to ease my nerves and keep me from crying as I subtly grabbed onto my side hoping she wouldn't notice.

"What did you see in there?" She asked luckily only focusing on my facial expressions, rather than my body all while the three boys were enjoying their newly found success.

"Nothing. Okay i'm fine just drop it." I say still trying to regulate my breathing and trying to put a smile on my face.

"You look like your about to have a panic attack, cass, what happened in there?"

I couldn't help but let out a little laugh. Laughing is better than crying right?

real quick a/n, rafe is the same age as everyone else in this


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2021 ⏰

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