Chapter 2

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He opened the door and we walked in, being greeted by a silent hallway. I followed him to the main hall, since he knows his way around better.

,,We'll have to stay next to each other the whole time." He said annoyed.

,,Yeah, I know."

We walked in and many people were all around. Rich people. No wonder actually. He walked his way towards our parents, who were sat at a table, me trailing behind him.

,,Oh" my mother opened her arms widely as she stood up. ,,Draco my dear." She pulled him into a hug. ,,You look handsome my boy." He looked at her and smiled awkwardly. ,,(y/n), the dress fits I see." She smiled and Draco turned to look at me.

They all turned back and told us to walk around a little. Draco and I pushed our way through the crowd annoyedly.

,,What exactly is the point of this." I said annoyedly.

,,How am I supposed to know." He huffed as we stood in the corner.

,,This is getting pretty boring, you know." I stated as we looked at the people. Some were dancing, others were sitting at a table and laughing at something.

,,It's been probably only a minute since we arrived, but I agree." He admitted.

,,Wanna go somewhere else? People are giving me headache." I actually wouldn't want to go with him anywhere alone, but I had no choice. It was so annoying to be around adults.

,,Why not." He had probably the same thought.

We walked out of the main hall and as soon as the doors closed, I exhaled deeply in relief. It was pretty quiet now, it was calm. He walked down the empty corridor and I followed behind.

,,Don't think we're friends now." He said as I caught up with him. We were walking in a somewhat fast pace.

,,Yeah, as if I would want that willingly." I rolled my eyes and he bit the inside of his cheek, rolling his tongue against it. ,,Someone's got offended?" I smirked and he turned his head to me. His hair was flying due to our fast walking as his eyes were on me.

,,You wish." He said and I turned back around annoyedly.

We were far away from the main hall, where everyone was gathered. He stopped in a random hallway.

,,Where are we?" I asked and he ignored me. ,,Doesn't talk, understood." I mumbled to myself, yet for him loud enough to hear.

He sat down on a couch, that was there for assumingly no specific reason. I looked at him before taking a seat beside him, yet still keeping my distance. There was quite a lot of space between us.

It was pretty awkward first. We were just looking at the wall on the opposite side until he decided to break the silence.

,,Can I ask you something." My heart skipped a beat at that.

,,Go ahead and ask." I replied.

,,Do you ever feel like you're not welcome in your own home?" He asked and I turned my head to look at him. His eyes were still glued on the wall at the opposite side.

,,Yeah." My voice came out as a whisper as I shook my head slowly, looking at his side profile and his eyes carefully. He didn't look like the Draco I knew. It was as if he was a completely different person. ,,Do you?" I whispered as I was still looking at him.

He turned his head to me slowly, seperating his eyes from the wall and looking at me. Looking into his eyes, I could read the dejection in them. He nodded slowly. I could swear I saw a tear in the corner of his eye, but he turned his head back.

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