Chapter 8

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I was walking around as I got stopped in a cold hallway.

,,Draco!" I sighed suprised and in relief and took a step as I saw him, but he would just move back. ,,Is something wrong?" I asked as I saw the way he looked at me, dissapointed.

,,I thought-" he began, but couldn't finish. He sighed deeply. ,,You kissed him." He said through gritted teeth after a short silence as his eyes were glued on the floor.

,,What?" I whispered, wondering how he found out. My eyes were a little teary by now, I already knew this wasn't going to end good.

,,I told you, that I liked you and you kissed Partridge!" He yelled and I flinched a little at his sudden change of volume. He was pointing at me with his index finger.

,,I- I was just-"

,,For the first time I thought someone would actually care about me. I thought we would- you- you know what, forget about it." He turned around.

,,No!" I shouted and he turned around confusedly. ,,I was waiting for you for weeks! I couldn't sleep because I was concerned. Then you came and happened to be there at the Manor out of no where, you let Louis get tortured, I find out you're a death eater, you lie to me and now you're shouting at me as if I am the only one who makes mistakes. I know I was stupid, but that all happened because I was frustrated. Cause I needed you. And different from you, Louis came back. Besides, I forgave you when Astoria kissed you!-"

,,Yes, exactly! Astoria kissed me! Not the other way round. You don't get it, do you?-"

,,How do you even know about anything?"

,,Why would you care anyway?"

,,You know what. It's not worth it." I tried to push myself past him, but he pushed me back by my chest.

,,First you'll tell me what you want from me."

,,I don't want anything from you."

,,You do! You do and I know that. You expect me to do things, but I don't know what."

,,I don't want anything!"

,,Then don't annoy me! Then vanish, get out of my life, don't come back, disappear, leave!!"

I stood there in shock. ,,I just wanted to hug you until we both feel okay!" I yelled, my voice shaking. His face softened. ,,But I guess I'll disappear, leave, vanish or whatever you wanted me to do."

,,No- (y/n)- I didn't actually mean that." He tried to pull me back as I continued walking. Tears were already down my cheeks.

,,You're nobody!" I shouted as I turned around. ,,Nobody! You're nobody to me, do you hear? Nobody!" I shouted in anger as he looked at me guiltily. He knew it was his fault. I walked back to my dorm.

,,Hey" I heard my room mate say casually, sitting on her bed. I wiped my tears.
,,Yeah, hey." I said weakly and sat down on mine.

,,Tough day?" She asked. I looked up at her and saw her smirk.

,,Yeah, kind of, why?"

,,Just asking" she turned around. Then it clicked.

I took a deep breath. ,,Have you- have you perhaps talked to Draco in the last days?" I asked.

,,Yeah just recently, why?"

,,Oh, just asking. But if it doesn't bother you, about what?"

,,Oh just random things you know. We talked and talked- oh! And I told him about last night you know." She shrugged.

,,That was you!" I stood up, pointing with my finger at her.

,,It was me." She smiled.

,,Why?" I lowered my hand and looked at her saddened. She didn't reply. Instead, she ignored me. I rubbed my face and sat down on my bed. I was hating this guy a few months ago, what happened that now I'm crying because of him?

I lay down on my bed after dressing up and fell asleep in a see full of regretful thoughts.
,,I do have to study indeed. The test is tomorrow and I'm behind. But that's no big deal, I'll just do it with pressure and get through it somehow I guess." I smiled.

,,And you think you'll manage that? I hope so." Louis replied. We were once again walking at night, chatting about unnecessary stuff.

,,I think I'll go to sleep now, (y/n). Wanna go back?"

,,I think I wanna stay a little more. Put some thoughts in order." He smiled at me.

,,Alright. See you later, goodnight." He kissed my forhead and jogged his way to the common room. I stood there in a dark hallway. Turning around, I began to walk around quietly.

I was deep in thoughts, thinking about anything. Until a hand was around my neck. It all happened within a second, I was about to turn the corner and someone grabbed me. I whimpered a little as I got pushed against the wall.

,,See who we have here, (y/n) (y/l/n)." A woman chuckled as her nails digged into the skin of my neck, I was unable to breathe. ,,You thought you could escape, didn't you?" She asked and I began to see dark dots in my vision.

,,Stop." I choked out in a whisper. ,,It hurts." I said and she chuckled. I could see another hand on her arm, holding it tightly and harshly.

,,let her go, now." I heard Draco demand in a whisper harshly.


,,You want me to tell my father about this? I don't think he'd be delighted to hear, that-" she let go of me and I almost fell to ground, but Draco held my arms. He pulled me into his chest and hugged me tightly. The woman disappeared. ,,I'm so sorry." He whispered and I cried against his chest, struggling to balance my breath. He cupped my cheeks and made me look up.

,,I'm okay." I whispered.

,,I'm sorry for everything." He apoligized and I nodded. He leaned in and kissed my forehead hesitantly. Then his eyes were on mine again. He looked at me thoughtfully and eventually leaned in to kiss me. His lips met mine, staying there for a bit before pulling away. ,,I'll always protect you." He smiled and I returned one. I put my palm on his cheek.

,,And I'll always love you." I whispered. His eyes widened. Before he could say anything, I pulled him with me and led us to the common room. I kissed his cheek before going into my dorm.

I was able to sleep peacefully for once in a while.

Hope you liked it!


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