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"Enjoy your ride, Buck." Sam smirks as he puts on the earpiece.

"No, you can't call me that." Bucky grumbles.

"Why not? That's what Steve called you."

"Steve knew me longer, and Steve had a plan." Bucky retorts back.

Sam had an amused smile on his lips.

"Sure thing, Buckaroo." Sam replies with a teasing tone in his voice.

Bucky scowls at the nickname. That's even worse than his own nickname. Before he could reply, Sam was already on the edge of the plane, getting ready for takeoff.

"God, I hate you." Bucky groans.

Sam looks over his shoulder. "I have a plan."

"Really? What is it?" Bucky asks, standing up as well.

Sam just smirks before jumping off the plane, his wings spread out easily.

Bucky groans. His patience is running thin. He doesn't even know how he could stand Sam being annoying for this long. Maybe it's because Steve was their mutual friend so naturally they had to get along too. (They, in fact, did not get along.)

"So, is there a list of names that I'm not allowed to call you by? Or is it just 'Buck'? What about 'Bucky'?" Sam asks, the both of them walking side by side.

"Keep asking and you're not allowed to call any of my names." Bucky said, annoyed.

"Oh, that's fine. I have a couple of things that I can call you by. Like Buckaroo, for example." Sam chuckles.


Sam watches Bucky unlock their apartment door. The moment Bucky opens the door, Sam immediately ducked under Bucky's outstretched hands and enters the apartment first. Bucky grumbles, pulling Sam back by his shirt, and tries to enter first.

"How was the mission?" Steve asks, watching Sam and Bucky entering their shared apartment and shoving each other out of the way from the living room.

It was ridiculous to see two grown men acting like 5-year-old kids. Steve noticed that there are some bruises starting to form on Bucky's cheek and a small cut on Sam's eyebrow.

"I don't want to talk about it." Bucky mumbles, opening the fridge to grab a cold beer.

"That bad, huh?"

"Yeah, it kinda went horribly. We are currently waiting for the next lead before we start moving again." Sam replies, joining Bucky in the kitchen.

"That's because you won't even tell me your plan." Bucky huffed, placing his beer down.

"Maybe if you were patient for one second and not rush out, you would've known the plan, Buckaroo." Sam rolls his eyes.

Steve looked at Sam in confusion. Buckaroo? That's the first time Steve has heard Sam calling Bucky something else other than his name.

Bucky looks slightly irritated at the nickname. Sam reaches out to grab Bucky's beer and took a swig before putting it back down on the counter.

"Fuck you. Get your own beer in the fridge." Bucky scowls.

Sam stuck out his tongue childishly while pointing his middle finger. Bucky tries to land a kick on Sam's legs which failed terribly as Sam managed to dodge quickly when he walks past him. Sam had a smug look on his face, knowing that he had won again.

Steve sighs after watching his two best friends bickering. Is it that hard to be nice and civil?


[A/N]: Let's pretend that Steve, Natasha, and Tony are still alive for the sake of this fanfiction. TFATWS has officially ended and I don't know what to do with life. I miss them so much </3

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