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"Where's Jamie?" Sam asks, entering the penthouse at Avengers Compound.

Tony Stark has invited the Avengers back to the Compound after redesigning and upgrading the whole layout. Something about making the Avengers live together again.

"Who?" Tony asks as he placed the bowl filled with ice water and beer bottles on the coffee table.

"Jamie," Sam repeats again as if that would make Tony understand.

A look of realization hits Steve.

"Oh, Bucky said he's on his way here. Should arrive in any minute now." Steve answers.

Sam hums as he sits on one of the love seats, talking to the rest of the Avengers and catching up.

Bucky walks in, announcing his arrival.

"Hey, Buck!" Steve greets, smiling.

Bucky nods in acknowledgment.

Sam whistles. "Hey, handsome. Looking good."

Bucky looks at Sam, a smile forming on his lips.

"Not looking so bad yourself, doll," Bucky smirks as he walks over to Sam and sitting next to him on the love seat.

Sam lets out a small hum at the new nickname, sounding pleased.

Steve watches them with a pointed look, trying to figure out their relationship. It has not been that long since they are calling each other ridiculous names and now they are calling each other such endearing nicknames. He swears there is probably some hidden emotion behind the nicknames that they gave to each other.

"Hands off, kid. Your juice is over there." Tony slaps Peter's hand away.

"Mr Stark, you're no fun. I'm almost an adult now" Peter huffs but still taking the orange juice.

"I think this mighty hero is allowed to drink," Thor said, putting his arms around Peter's shoulder.

Peter gapes, looking starstruck at his idol talking to him.

"No. He is still a kid, Thor" Tony shakes his head.

"Well, that means he is still a growing child!" Thor beams, giving Peter a glass of beer.

"Ah, it's fine. I have a drink already," Peter stutters, showing his orange juice.

Natasha slides next to Steve. "They're awfully close, don't you think?"

Steve nods. "I've never seen Bucky like this since the 40s. He used to charm ladies, and also men, just like that. It's nice. Especially after what he has gone through at Hydra."

Natasha hums in understanding.

And if the rest of the Avengers noticed Bucky sliding his arms around the chair behind Sam and Sam moving closer towards Bucky, nobody said anything.

"I'm getting another drink. Want me to get you anything, doll?" Bucky asks, leaning to Sam's ears. The music was loud.

"Nah. Just get your ass back here after you grabbed your drink, handsome" Sam smiles.

Bucky flashed him a charming smile before getting up. Sam frowns slightly at the loss of physical touch, feeling empty. He excused himself to go to the balcony and grab some fresh air. He slipped out of the room easily as everyone else is absorbed in their own conversations.

It was nice to meet the rest of the Avengers to catch up but it's exhausting sometimes. He slides the balcony door open and steps out, feeling the cold night breeze against his skin. Sam sighs softly, admiring the view. He felt a presence beside him.

"You're back," Sam said, still looking at the view in front of him.

"Well, you did say to get back to you after I grabbed my drink" Bucky replies, joining Sam to look at the garden outside the balcony.

They stood in comfortable silence, enjoying each other's presence.

"It's nice. Here. It's peaceful." Sam said after a while.

"Yeah? You going to move back here?" Bucky asks, shifting his gaze to Sam's side profile.

"Maybe. A lot safer here with the security and all that jazz."

Sam shivers slightly at the chilly breeze. It was subtle but Bucky still noticed it. He removes his leather jacket and drapes it around Sam's shoulder. Sam turns to look at Bucky, surprised. The distance between them is short.

"Gotta keep my doll warm," Bucky whispers.

Sam felt his cheeks getting warmer. He clears his throat, looking back to the garden. He mutters a soft thanks.


NICKNAMES, sambuckyWhere stories live. Discover now