The one where she gets out (Chapter 26)

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Who would you trust- the one trying to woo you or the one trying to control you? The one trying to get to know you or the one trying to keep you away?

Or maybe neither?

Max growls. Loudly and right next to my ear. Damn it, I hope German public insurance covers hearing issues. He squeezes me to him, so tight it feels constricting. His muscled arm wound around my stomach, "why don't I bite her and we find out?"

It's von Graf's turn to growl, "If you bite her, we declare war." The tension in his body is clear as his hands flex before tightening into fists at his side. His eyes are glowing in anger and his normally perfect hair is wild.

Having two men- vampires, whatever- fight over you is soooo much less fun than you'd think. After all, all the snarling, growling, hissing, is focused on each other. I don't know, it feels like I'm a doll to be tossed between them until one of them wins the game. No need to ask for my thoughts or opinions.

"I think my beloved is worth it," Max says as he trails a linger finger down my neck to my collarbone.

I realize what might happen here. I think the panic must be visible in my eyes, but I can't move. Max is holding me too tight.

"If he turns you, he controls you," Albert says. Thanks buddy for clarifying that, do you think you could've mentioned that von Graf thinks he is my beloved earlier? Or, I don't know, warned me about Max biting me before my first date with him?

I'm beginning to think this is Albert's fault. I give him a dirty look and he looks taken aback by it. Serves him right.

"Touch her and I will destroy your coven" von Graf hisses.

"I'm already touching her" Max's smug voice hits my ear as he makes his point by continuing to trail his finger down my side.

Von Graf starts yelling in German and Max follows. I guess there is no reason for me to be involved in this conversation- note the sarcasm. They are spitting and hissing and carrying on. I'm sure all of Max's neighbors are aware of our little situation by now; most likely someone has called the cops.

I am so over this shit.

I twist, wrenching myself from Max's grip, the only reason I'm able to do that is that his focus is all on von Graf. I take a few steps away from a shocked Max; He's looking at me like someone took his candy away. My eyes skid over to von Graf who looks thrilled with the turn of events as if Max couldn't just reach out and grab me back into his arms at any moment.

So I do the only thing I can think of. I throw up my arms in a pure display of my annoyance. "Let me know what you two decide- actually don't. I don't care. I don't want to hear or see either one of you"

Screw them, honestly. I march over and grab my coat flinging it around my shoulders and grab my purse while they just stare at me like idiots.

"Now you upset her," Max finally speaks. He walks towards me as I wrestle on my shoes. Why did I wear these stupid heels today? As he comes up beside me he reaches out but I'm finally successful in getting my shoe on and step out of his reach.

I watch his face fall and I feel guilty. Max has been nothing but nice to me, but I can't deal with him and von Graf right now.

He stands still as I walk away, less angry this time. I come to a stop in front of von Graf and Albert, "Let me through"

Albert takes a step to the side. His eyebrows pinch together in either guilt or worry. It's a little too late buddy.

"Alexis..." von Graf starts uncharacteristically softly, an arm lifted slightly in my direction as if he wanted to touch my arm. My eyes swing to his. His freaky golden eyes are filled with emotion as though they are personally trying to tell me something deep but I'm not listening.

"Excuse me, Mr. von Graf" I force out trying to still sound angry. I need to escape.

He steps to the side and lets me through.

It's not until I am alone heels clipping on the sidewalk on the dark November streets with tears of frustration or irritation or something angry leaking down my face that I remember the wounded look on Max's face and Albert's concerned look. But it's the pleading in von Graf's eyes that haunts me, it's his eyes that I try to get out of my head when I finally get home and curl up on my couch in a blanket and turn on the tv to watch anything, absolutely anything to take my mind off this horrible evening.

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