The one where she returns (Chapter 28)

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Never did I think I would be back here.

And this time, instead of storming in self-righteously, I'm groveling for a few moments with the high and mighty primus. Yes, I'm sore about it.

Hans knocks on von Graf's office door, Albert standing next to me. I'm not sure why both of them need to see me crawling back to von Graf, but Hans has a smirk on his face like it's the most amusing thing he's seen all day.

Hans opens the door and I am ushered inside. Von Graf's office is the same dark luxury I was greeted with last time. The air is thick with tension and the musk of a basement room with no windows. The man of the hour is standing next to his desk in his black suit, over-shined shoes, and probably a smug look on his stupid face- not that I've checked, I haven't worked up the courage to look above his broad shoulders.

When I finally look higher, I witness his eyes rake over my modest pencil skirt and blouse as I step further into the room. I thought dressing professionally would allow me to keep the meeting professional. I have to work hard not to roll my eyes.

What is this guy's problem? He did everything he could to push me away and now he thinks he can just up and claim to be my beloved. It makes no sense, none at all. For the past three months, I have racked my brain trying to make sense of him. The only thing I can come up with is this is some sick game to get back at Max- he clearly has a problem with him.

Or.... or perhaps he doesn't think me worthy of becoming a vampire. His whole coven is built around the concept of vampire superiority and elitism.

"Alexis," he says as he reaches out his hand towards me. Alexis is it now? I was unaware that we were on a first-name basis. I grab his hand and do my best professional handshake: not too hard, not too soft, not sweaty.

"Herr. Von Graf, thank you so much for agreeing to meet with me" I smile politely as he raises an eyebrow at me. He probably thinks I don't know how things work in Germany, but I do. The older party offers the use of the first name, it's nice of him, but I won't pretend that he didn't offer it before this whole competition between him and Max.

"I was surprised to hear from you" he continues in his polite small talk.

Of course he was, I had no intention of calling him before my supervisor became annoying. "Again, thank you so much for agreeing to the meeting"

A frown appears on his face. Good, maybe he understands now that this is a formal meeting, not some date where I grovel for his attention. I'm still pissed at him and he damn well may know it.

"Shall we begin then?" He gestures towards a chair in front of his desk.

I take a sigh a nod before taking the seat offered.

Von Graf himself moves to sit behind his desk He looks important, almost regal, in his posture. He unbuttons his suit jacket as he sits and I see the fabric of his white shirt strain to contain his muscled chest. I wouldn't mind running my hands up his chest to feel....

I look up to see a raised eyebrow. Well, shit.

I clear my throat and go about explaining the informed consent form. He listens patiently, no interrupting, not questioning anything. I place the consent form in front of him and he signs it without comment. It's unnerving.

"Uh, so after I hit record we can begin the interview" I sound uncertain and I can't for the life of me say why.

I click the button and open my notebook to my questions. I open my mouth to begin with my first question as I look up. Von Graf is watching me, his steady golden eyes fixed on my face.

I swallow. Get yourself together, Alexis, seriously. "So, can you tell me a bit about yourself and your role within the coven?" I almost cringe at the stupid question; I know who he is and what his position is within the coven.

"I am the Primus of this von Graf coven, its similar to a CEO of a corporation but I also regulate the members' private lives to a certain extent."

I hum that I listening as I glance down to read my next question, "What do you think the main purpose of a coven is?"

"To ensure the safety and security of its members," he says directly as though he has thought of this many times before.

Sure, extra strong, nearly impossible to kill, and beautiful to boot- he thinks vampires need covens for safety?

I wait a moment, but when he doesn't elaborate I decide to press him, "And what do you feel threatens the safety and security of your members?"

"Humans" He looks at me straight in the eyes. He's afraid of little ol' me? "More specifically, human fears. We were hunted in the past and we will be hunted again. Without a coven, vampires act on their natural instincts and hunt human prey. Humans in return hunt us. It's a vicious cycle. Covens also advocate for their members to have equal access to all things like housing and employment. Left on their own humans have a bad habit of... let's say excluding those unlike themselves."

"Interesting" and it was. It spoke more of fear than the pride and arrogance of the other vampire in the von Graf coven who insisted that the purpose of the coven was to keep those who were somehow inferior out.

Curious, instead of reading the next question on my list, I decide to ask von Graf a question I had asked his brother months ago, "What does it take to become a vampire?"

Von Graf takes a deep breath before answering, "no one should ever become a vampire"


Warring Logics is up to chapter 32 on my patreon. Check out the link for more info:

Happy reading!


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