Chapter 2: Looking

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Here is the next chapter!

In this chapter, the investigation starts.

I do NOT own Mo Dao Su Zhi/The Untamed, just my Oc's and story idea.

Also, turns out I've been spelling Mo as Mao because when I first found it it was spelled as Mao Dao Zu Shi instead of Mo Dao Zu Shi! So, from here on out it will be corrected.

Off we go!

Chapter 2: Looking

After a meal with the Shu's, which was not bad Wei Zhang could have done without that many vegetables tough he needed meat as well to keep his body going.

He hums walking beside Lan Xichen as they made their way over to the tavern where they will be staying for the duration of the investigation. He glanced at Lan Xichen, who was in thought about something, he looks forward as he saw a shop that sold some jewelry and clothing, he could look there later for some items to send back home to Wei Wuxian and the Jiangs later.

"Wei-Gongzi? What do you think could be causing this?" Lan Xichen asked making Wei Zhang look at him.

"Hard to say at the moment in time, we need to look into the area where the body was found first, maybe we'll find some clues there," Wei Zhang said making Lan Xichen nod as they arrive at the tavern and book some rooms.

Wei Zhang got his room across from Lan Xichen's, he placed his stuff inside before meeting the Lan's outside the tavern. They made a plan to have two of the disciples go to Mount Tai to retrieve the deceased Lan and take him home, the remaining disciples were sent to talk with the families of the people who went missing to see if a pattern could be found on how they were taken or went missing.

Wei Zhang and Lan Xichen made their way to the one who found the dead Lan, a farmer on the edge of town. He took them to a field where the body was found under some old trees.

Wei Zhang looked around examining the trees, there was nothing special about them, just old. He looks down at the roots, big and dug deep into the ground, a flash of white caught his eye. Kneeling down he reached into the roots and pulled out a white headband, it lacked the cloud plate Lan Xichen had but it was a Lan headband.

"Lan Xichen," Wei Zheng said looking over his shoulder making Lan Xichen look up from where he was looking at some shrubs.

He held up the headband making Lan Xichen's eyes widen as he went over and gently took the headband, he then signs and puts the headband in his sleeve to be dealt with later.

"Thank you, I will make sure it is returned," Lan Xichen said as Wei Zheng nods and looked back at the roots.

He leans over looking closely, he reached in and pulled the roots apart letting more light in. He saw that it was barren except for some hair, reaching down he picked the clump of hair up. It was brown with a reddish tinge, it was defiantly animal hair but which animal?

"What animals frequent this area?" Wei Zhang asked looking over the edge of the area where the farmer was waiting to lead them back.

The man jumps seeing that he was being addressed, he moves closer as Wei Zhang repeated his question for the man to hear.

"Ah, young master, we get plenty of animals here from rabbits to pheasants to hawks and lately we've seen some foxes in the area, they keep trying to get at the chickens," The man said looking around the area a bit on edge.

"Hm, not rabbit fur, must be fox fur no doubt attracted to a corpse in the hopes of a free meal," Wei Zhang said standing up, he let out a bit of his spiritual energy to examine the hole and fur.

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