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Postgame Au

Also there will be spoilers!! 

3rd POV

Kokichi quickly woke up, Sweat dripping down his face.

He had been having nightmares about the Killing Game, seeing everyones deaths

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He had been having nightmares about the Killing Game, seeing everyones deaths.
So he and his boyfriend, Kiyo had agreed that Kokichi will sleep with him. But Kokichi didn't wanna bother him so much so he decided to try to sleep on his own room.

So now he was stuck deciding between staying in his room, awake until the morning announcement.

After about 10 minutes, he decided to go to Kiyos room.
He got up and walked out of his room, he went to Kiyos room and knocked on the door.
After a couple of minutes Kiyo opened the door. He looked like he had just woken up.

'Well he probably did just wake up..'
Kokichi thought.

"Ah, darling.. Can't sleep?"
He said ending his sentence woth a question, Kokichi akwardly nodded.

Kiyo let Kokichi in and layed on his bed, Kokichi did the same. They put the covers on, said their good night's and fell asleep. 

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