Someones Execution

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Ch 3 Spoilers!!

Requested by WellDamnBitch
I hope you enjoy!! :D

♡ Kokichi POV ♡

Everyone had found out that Korekiyo was the killer..

I could feel tears threatening to fall down my face, but I held them in.

♡ Korekiyo POV ♡

Everyone found out that I was the culprit. Of course I was panicking but I tried to hide my panic, wich greatly failed.

But I tried thinking about something good..
But nothing came to mind...

After a couple of minutes Shuichi started to talk, he told everyone what had happened.
Of course Himiko got mad and started yelling at me.

I looked over at Kokichi and I could tell he wanted to cry, it broke my heart knowing that I'll have to leave him alone..

♡ Shuichi POV ♡

I soon finished telling everyone what happened and Monokuma told us it was voting time.

Everyone voted for Korekiyo.. Except one, strange... Someone voted for Kokichi.

I noticed that Korekiyo and Kokichi and looked at eachother a couple of times, like they where talking with their eyes, ehh I'll just ignore that. There are much more important things I need to focus on!

People where asking him questions, but it was hard to hear since everyone talked at the same time. He didn't have time to answer since his execution began.

♡ Kokichi POV ♡

I could feel tears running down my face as I saw my own boyfriend get executed in front of me..

I quickly ran out the room without anyone noticing me, or that's what I thought.

♡ Kaito POV ♡

I heard faint footsteps run away, so I turned around to see something white.
I thought for a moment before knowing who it was.

I sighed as I began walking out, looking for Kokichi.

After a while I gave up and walked back where everyone was, feeling sick as I saw that Korekiyo was being boiled alive.

♡ Kokichi POV ♡

A few days later I decided to go where Kiyo died (I forgot what it's called-).
I looked around and saw his hat laying on the floor, I smiled and picked it up and hugged it tightly.

Haha, Idk how to end chapters :/

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