Chapter thirteen

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The dark-haired male stood there frozen, hearing the three words he hoped he would never have to hear from him. His heart shattered at the view in front of him, Kenma sobbing down on his knees with the beautiful world around them shattering.

"Kenma, I would never lie to you. You know that better than anyone. I have never and will never lie to you. I haven't since the day we met. I meant what I said when I told you I loved you." He bent down and lifted the others chin. "But I also meant what I said when I told you that you weren't going to like the news the me out there had for you. The me that is out in the real world told himself that you would never love him back. So he had to learn to let you go so he didn't force you, pressure you, or make you do anything against your will."

Kenma closed his eyes and leaned into the touch "He doesn't love me you liar.. He told me. He told me how he loved that stupid blonde. He told me how he's so happy in this relationship. I can't go to him and confess now, that's selfish."

"I'm sorry.. I wanted to protect you from this, but you had a right to know." Kuroo cupped his cheeks, running his thumbs across them. "I'm going to realize that Kei isn't the one I want. Kenma, please, this is a selfish request but wait for me."

Kenma looked at him and gritted his teeth "You want me to wait for you? How long huh? You want me to wait till when? Till he breaks your heart in the rain twenty years from now? You want me to just sit by and watch you be happy with that stupid blonde, marry his dumbass even though it's killing me because I have a sliver of a chance you might consider me?"

"Kenma no! I'm not asking you to suffer, I'm just asking you to stay. Keep being you, keep showing that you care. I want you-"


That sentence made both males freeze. Kuroo teared up, hating knowing he caused this. Kenma screamed between his tears, red carnations growing all around him as he felt out of breath. Kuroo moved closer, wrapping his arms around the shorter male.

"Kenma, love, I need you to take a deep breath for me.. I need you to calm down before this gets worse.." He hit the flowers away as they moved closer to Kenma.

Kenma cried into the male's chest. "I hate you... I hate you.. It hurts so much.."

"I know, kitten.. I know and I'm sorry I am causing you so much pain. But, I do love you so much. More than anything, more than the outside me can show. But you need to calm down for me." He shielded Kenma away from the flowers that tried to attack him. "Deep breaths like we've practiced before.."

He wanted to push him away, to tell Kuroo to leave him alone but he couldn't. Kenma sunk into the arms of his best friend as he copied the males breathing, slowing his own down so he wasn't hyperventilating anymore. He could barely hear the soft praises from the other as he managed to calm down.

"I hate you.." he muttered in a hurt tone before quietly whispering after, "That's a lie.. I couldn't if I tried.." The setter admitted. Kuroo sighed, running his fingers through the male's hair while whispering quiet apologies. "I shouldn't blame you.. It's not your fault I'm not who you wanted. You aren't to blame.."

"Kenma.. I'm so sorry.. I love you.. I really do." he teared up. Kenma lifted his head to wipe his tears, resulting in the male leaning into his touch.

"You're just a dream Kuroo. You love me because I want you to, not because you want to." Kuroo looked at him, trying to object but Kenma caught him with a kiss. "I love you.. But it's time for me to wake up.." he pulled away from the hug and turned his back to the other, moving one foot after the other as he walked away.

"Kenma! Come back! No! No! Ken-"

Was the last thing he heard as the fantasy ended and he woke up to the gym dorm areas surrounding him along with his team. He looked to Kuroo who was still asleep with everyone else.

Quiet coughs left him as he looked outside. It must have been the middle of the night since the moon was still out. No point in going to sleep again so he grabbed his PSP and played till the next day of training arrived.

((Heyo!! sorry for the slow update!! My birthday just passed 4/13 and I was away for a week then got super sick. this is a pretty short chapter but the dream ones are usually short. I'll try to update as soon as I can!! I love you all so much <3 ~ Author))

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