My one true love (part 4)

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"Niall hurry duck I can drive to the back of the school and we can sneak in through there. If the girls don't see you guys we don't have to worry till we get Inside." (I said) *All the boys ducked and I quickly drove to the back* "Can we get up now" (Liam asked in a smushed sounding voice) "yea your good in at the back no one is here." (I said) " Oh good thank god for you hey wait I don't know your name well none of us do what is it??" (Niall asked) "oh my name is jazlyn but friends call me jazzy." (I said as I laughed a little) "Well Jazzy thank you for taking us here and maybe we can hang out after school sometime!" Louis said with a very exciting voice. ( wow I may be wrong but I think Louis Niall Liam Harry and Zayn are my friends now) "Yea sure why not I have nothing planned after school today." (I said with a big smile on my face) "Well then it's settled we'll go to maybe your place after?" Liam said. "Sounds good to me." ( wow I am going to hang out with one direction after school. Oh and there accents uuuugh why didn't I like them before their perfect especially Louis he is just so uuuugh louis man I really like him... I can't tell angie or Sara or Vanessa they'll freak)

Hope you people are enjoying this fanfic💖

My one true loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora