My one true love

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A few months passed by and it was louis birthday. I was going to have a surprise birthday party for him Cuz I am the best girlfriend ever. I was going to invite all his friends and have a big jumper Cuz he told me how much he loves them.

To the group with angie Zayn nicole harry Liam Niall

Jazzy: Heyy guys! Big news I am going to have a surprise birthday party for my love.

Harry: aww you didn't have to do that for me your to sweet jazzy;*

Jazzy: haha very funny!

Nicole: Hahhaha that's great! And I'm in!

Angie: oooh sounds fuun!

Liam: lol so when is this party going to be?

Nicole: oh yea I would like to know to haha.

Jazzy: haha it's going to be... December 20.

Zayn: nice ok I'm in.

Harry: will there be cake?

Nicole: NOOO there not going to be cake at a birthday party were going to have broccoli instead!

Angie: hahahahahhahahahah hahahaha

Harry: you don't have to be mean about it.;(

Nicole: I'm sorry you just asked the stupidest questions sometimes.

Jazzy: haha yes there will be cake
Don't worry Harry lol.

Zayn: sometimes I question toy Harry.

Liam: so what's the team of the party?

Jazzy: wait louis just got here i have to go now I'll give details tomorrow bye.

Liam: well ok bye

Nicole: lol byeee

* louis walked in.*

"Heyy babe what are you doing?" Louis asked and say next to me on the couch.

"Oh nothing just looking for new music." I said

"Oh fun." louis said and put down my laptop screen. "How bout we do something more fun."

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like..... LETS PLAY A GAMe!" Louis exclaimed

"Oh I thought you were gonna say something else but ok."

Louis say there and thought for a moment.

"Oh no not that." he said while laughing. "but we could." louis winked at me.

"No no lets play a game now I want to!"
I said laughing to.


"So what's the game bout?" I asked.

"Oh right ok so the game is called....... follow this map!" Louis said and gave me a map and ran away.

"What?? Louis what are you doing?"

"Follow the map I'll meet you there!"
Louis yelled and ran out of the house.


Sorry I am updating so late.
It's hard to type with long nails hahahahha.
Plzz vote and comment!!!!!
Love you guys see you later!💖💖

My one true loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora