My one true love (part 9)

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So we were all sitting in my living room on the couch and Louis was sitting so close to me I felt like I was basically sitting on top of him. I look over to see angie totally flirting with Niall she does that one thing with her hair and then she makes her eyes sparkle I have no idea how but she does it but she does it every time she is with a guy that she likes. But anyways I try to focus on the movie but I felt Louis staring at me I think he wanted to kiss again. I looked at him and he just looked away as if he wasn't looking. I looked back and their he was staring at me again.

Sorry for the short chapter but the next one will be longer I promise!
Please vooote 💕💕💕

My one true loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora