My one true love (part 14)

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I walked to louis and I saw a basket filled with bred and other foods. I looked at louis and there he was with his hair goin up and he was wearing a blue t-shirt with black skinny jeans he knows I love when he wears that.... "Jazzy you look beautiful today, not that you don't look beautiful any other days......" Louis said in a worried voice. "Thank you." I said as I laughed a little. "I love when you do that." Louis said. "Do what?" I asked. "When you blush, and your eyes sparkle." (omg my eyes do that to wow I thought it was just angie guess not hehe) "why thank you babe." (OMG did I just call him babe??? I hope he doesn't mind!!) *louis looked at me with a surprised face and said* "Jazzy can I ask you something?" "Yea shoot" I said. "Jazzy will you be my girlfriend?" (Omg did he just ask me that does Louis Tomlinson want to be my boyfriend???? I don't know what angie or Sara or Vanessa will say about this but you know what....) "YES A MILLION TIMES YES!!" I yelled. "Yes you said yes I can't believe she said yes!!" He exclaimed. "I don't think you meant to say that out loud." I said as I laughed obnoxiously. *louis leaned in for a kiss so I leaned in for one to and well there we went makes popcorn again HAHAHAHA oh I crack myself up 😂*

My one true loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora