My one true love (part 18)

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Today I decided that I wanted to do something crazy fun and wild. So I texted a few of my friends asking if they would come with me to go to this one haunted house down the street. you see there used to be a family that lived there and they were the happiest family alive people used to say but then one day the mom got in a car accident, then the rest of the family killed themselves of sadness...... So yea and well my friend told me that she heard from her friend that she went to the house and she the door shut when no one was around and that the cabinets were opening and closing on there own! So I figured hey why not.

Group chat with Angie, Nicole, Louis Niall and Zayn.

Jazzy: Heyy guys who wants to do something crazy and fun today????

Zayn: ooh yea I have nothing planned today!!

Nicole: oh umm ok sure but like what jaz u always get me into trouble.....xD

Jazzy: nothing that crazy.........

Niall: oh no what do u have in mind??

Jazzy: well I'll tell u once I here from louis and angie ok.

Zayn: fair enough.

Niall: k

Nicole: alright then.

Angie: hey guys sorry I was in the shower umm so where are we going.

Jazzy: heheh it's a secret.

Niall: ooh you were in the shower.. Did u take any pics??

Angie: HAHAHAH u wish maybe in your dreams tho!!!!;*

Louis💖: hahhaha

Niall: daaaaayym this girl has attitude.xD

Jazzy: Heyy babe where have u been??

Niall: who me??

Jazzy: no not you smarty I meant Louis.

***My mom walked in the room***

"Hey jazlyn what are you doing?" My mom asked me.

"Ooh I'm doing fine how was your trip with dad?"

I had my phone in my hands and it kept buzzing my mom kept looking at my phone and I can't tell her who it was Cuz she doesn't know I have a bf yet so.............

"It was good, um hey so what did you do while we were gone?"

Oh crap well I have to say something Cuz I can't tell her oh I just spent the night at my super star boyfriends house you know the usual.

"Oh well I hung out with nicole and angie and Sara all week so that was fun. and you know I did my homework and went to school all that fun stuff."

I Said and laughed a little btw I had the most fake smile ever.

"Oh um ok well I'll leave you alone I can see you want to reply to your friends."

My mom said in a suspicious voice as she looked down at my phone and walked away.

I turned on my phone to see over 20 messages I swear.

From the group.

Angie: yea Niall she is with Louis remember I'm with you why would she want you If she has Louis and your with me anyway.

Niall: oh yea huh hahahah.

Louis💖: hahaha yea so where did you want to go Jaz

Zayn: wait you guys are all together?

Louis💖: hahah yea I'm with jazzy Niall is with angie and well Harry is with sara I think.......

Zayn: oh wow.

Angie: haha u jealous

Zayn: no I'm happy for you guys.....

Nicole: yea u guys r lucky tho I don't have no one im lonely. lol

Zayn: your single?????

Nicole: yea.......

Ok ok I need to interrupt here

Jazzy: hey guys sorry my mom walked in and asked me questions.

Nicole: oh umm ok soo Zayn u have a girlfriend......

Zayn: no I don't ;)

Nicole: really??

Zayn: yea.......

Louis💖: ok you love birds just ask each other out all ready.

Zayn: will u go out with me?

Louis💖: no I have a girlfriend already sorry.

Zayn: hah very funny.

Jazzy: Hahahahhahaha I'm dying!!

Nicole: of cores I'll go out with you!!!

I hope you enjoyed this lovely chapter
Plzzz vooote 😍
Comment what your favorite part of this story was💖💖
Love you guys see you tomorrow 💖

My one true loveDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora