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We were all sitting around the table eating the dinner I just cooked with my dad and Chase, " I swear to god Marshall if you don't talk right now I'm going to throw this plate on your face," Baron hissed because Marshall was looking as if he was sitting in a funeral, his face was filled with sad expressions, his eyes were red and his hand was trembling.

" Leave me, alone Baron, I told you guys I need to go home," he answered as he pushed his plate to the side.

" There's no way you're driving home like that," My father protested.

" For real, what is wrong Marshall, tell us!!" Chase asked again as Vinnie gave me one of his smirks, " I'll drive him home," Vinnie interrupted as he took a sip of his soda.

" Why don't you stay here Marshall, it's not the first time you sleep over anyways," My dad said as he totally ignored Vinnie's offer.

" Jesus, Christ just leave him alone he's fine," I said as I dropped my fork on the table and rested my head on his shoulder. I know Marshaaa is just worried about me, all of these sad frustrated expressions on his face only describe how much I mean to him, I gently held his hands under the table to stop them from trembling.

" Thanks for being so obvious," I sarcastically said as I walked him to his car.

" It's not my fault I only have one Jule," He softly replied as he pulled me into a hug. 

" I'll be fine. . . everything will be fine," I said as kissed his cheek. he then got into his driver seat and drove away to his house. I watched as his car disappeared from the driveway, and walked back to my house, It's crazy how Vinnie was scared to death of talking to my father, but today he was having dinner with him.

" Jule, Come here. I need your help," Chase called out from the kitchen, I'm sure he needs my help with dishes because that's the only thing Chase doesn't enjoy doing. 

" What?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen, I saw him standing by the sink and god had put all the bored expressions on his face, meanwhile, Baron was sitting on the counter and Vinnie was standing by the fridge.

" You know, I only have one sister in my life right?" he said pouting his eyes.

" Yeah, I know," 

" And. . . . I would kill for you, you know that?" 

" Backoff Chase, I'll do the dishes for you," I said as I saw a relieved smile on his face, he grabbed my shoulders with both of his hands and kissed my cheek mumbling 'thank you,' multiple times.

" Wanna help?" Vinnie offered as he stood next to me. " Nah, it's fine," I said rejecting his offer, but he didn't listen he just ignored me and grabbed the dishes and started to help.

" Soooo, Little Hudson," Baron began talking as he huffed off of the counter, " are you going to tell us what is wrong with Marshall?" he inquired as he stood next to me.

" Jesus, and since when do you guys care about how Marshall feels, you are barely his friends," I answered rolling my eyes.

" Because we have some doubts that this has something to do with you,"

" especially that the two of you went to that appointment together," Chase interrupted, as he took a bite from his apple, " wasn't mom with you?" he asked again. 

" she left for the hospital," I answered.

" So it has something to do with you?" Vinnie asked as he grabbed my forearm softly. " Vinnie I told you earlier, if this was about the baby I would've told you the moment I walked out of the doctor's office," I angrily spat as I yanked my arm from his grip.

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