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Jason's POV

Aloha everyone my name is Jason Momoa and I am a manager her at the Maivia Hotel and resort. As you can probably already tell by now yes I do have a huge crush on Sarona, I've liked her for as long as I can remember. She's sweet, kind, hardworking, beautiful and so much more. I've known her for 3years now and still haven't told her how I feel mostly because I'm afraid of what she would say. Anyway enough about that I am currently on my way back from lunch. I bought Sarona her favourite sushi because I know the woman hasn't taken a break yet, I also got her a dragonfruit refresher and a bouquet of red roses. Before you say it no I don't think I'm doing too much, she deserves it. As I turned into the staff car park I saw the twins with Roman and Dwayne. I parked up and got out of the car "Hey Uce how was lunch alone" Jey laughed as the others joined him. "It was good" I replied grabbing the things I bought "How was sleeping on the front porch" I asked making everyone laugh "Oh nah you did him dirty" Roman said as he continued laughing. Dwayne looked at me and took notice off the things in my hands "Let me guess, those things are for Sarona?" He asked while raising an eyebrow "Who else would it be for?" I replied. "Sole you've been trying for the past a year. Don't you think it's time to move on?" Jimmy said. "No. I've never wanted something so much until I met her. I'm not giving up even if it takes me 10years" I stated. They all looked at me with shock as I walked off heading inside.

As I walked inside I immediately was pulled to the side, "Hey what the...oh hi Nia". "Yeah hi anyway Do you have a thing for Sarona?" My eyes widened at her question "W-what?" I said looking shocked "Do you or do you not have a crush on my cousin Sarona?". She looked me dead in the eyes making me nervous "Ok yes I do" I said as she jumped and clapped for joy "I knew it. So that means your the one making her blush" she said making think "I make her blush?" I couldn't help but smile at the thought of her. "Don't tell anyone" I said making her roll her eyes "yeah yeah. Just remember if you break her heart I'll break your face ok" she said smiling as she walked off. As of right now I'm more scared of Nia then her cousins, I shrugged it off and walked out into the lobby spotting Sarona at the pool bar. I smiled at the Meir sight of her, I walked up behind her and presented the bouquet of Roses in front of her "Aww Jason I love them" she smiled as she accepted them "Have you eaten yet?" I asked her as we both walked inside "If I say yes will you believe me?" She said making me chuckle "Sadly no" I said as she giggled "well the no I haven't" she replied as she placed the flowers down. "Figured so I got you sushi from your favourite place and a Venti Dragonfruit refresher.

"Your the best Jason" hearing her say that made me blush "Now go on go take your break and I'll handle the front desk" before she could say anything I hugged her and went straight to the front helping out some customers. I looked up and saw her being dragged away by Nia, I couldn't help but laugh at Sarona giving into Nia as she dragged her to the break room. As the hours passed by without the thought of her leaving my mind i couldn't help but continue to smile. I looked at my watch "Damn 8pm already" I logged off and headed into the car park noticing Sarona talking to Nia and the twins. "Are my eyes deceiving me or is Sarona Snuka actually heading home?" I joked making them laugh "Believe it or not yes I am" she said smiling "mainly because Aunty Ata demanded she go" Nia said as she got in her truck. Sarona rolled her eyes making me laugh "Well I hope you all enjoy your day off tomorrow. Boys, Nia goodbye" I said as I turned to face Sarona "Sweet Dreams Ms Snuka" I handed her one last Rose before getting in my car and heading home. What a day it has been I smiled as I drove home thinking of her as always.

*End of POV*

As Sarona held the Rose she couldn't help but smile. "Sweet Dreams Ms Snuka" Jey mocked earning himself a slap at the back of his head by Bianca "Boy shut up before you sleep outside.....Again" Bianca said as she hugged Sarona "I know that's right" Trinity said as she hugged Sarona after Bianca "And that's why I keep my mouth shut" Jimmy said as he kissed Trinity. "If only someone knew how to do the same" Bianca said referring to Jey as he rubbed the back of his head. They all chatted before saying their goodbyes. Once Sarona got home she was greeted by loud shouting "MAMA BEARRRRR" she got out and saw Sasha running towards her full speed, she dropped everything and caught Sasha "I MISSED YOU" Sasha shouted making Sarona laugh. "Aww I missed you too pretty" she said trying to put the younger woman down "Sasha baby girl you have to let go I gotta grab some stuff" Sasha refused holding on tight "Sasha baby let Sarona breathe" Roman said trying to pry her off Sarona "Nooo babe I haven't seen her in forever" Sasha said reluctantly letting go.

Sarona grabbed the Roses along with her purse and keys locking her car. "SARONNAAAA" before she could turn around she was jumped on from behind "Char don't kill my cousin" Dwayne said quickly trying to get Charlotte off of Sarona. Sarona turned around and hugged Both women "You guys didn't tell me these two were coming" Sarona said as she let them go "we wanted to surprise you. Tomorrow mom insists on us having a barbecue" Dwayne said as they all headed inside "Sounds good" she said as she put the Roses in water "Ooo who did you get these from" Sasha said as she smelt the roses "Jason surprised me with them once he got back from his break". She placed the Roses on the table. "Awww that's so sweet of him" Sasha then turned and slapped Romans arm "How come I don't get Roses anymore" she said crossing her arms. "When you give me some love we can talk about bouquets" Sarona smiled and shook her head at the couples as she headed upstairs into her room. She put her stuff down before waking into her bathroom to take a shower. Once she finished she got dressed and laid in bed not realising the body next to her. She turned to see a sleeping Nia "Lina move over" as she said that Nia had managed to move over and they both feel asleep.

Will Sarona realise the hints from Jason
Will Jason finally tell Sarona or will they both continue to keep it in.
Aunty Ata making sure Sarona gets some rest is wholesome

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