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(AN: Sarona is the only one who refers to Roman as Leati and Nia as Lina)

Sarona's POV

Talofa Lava My name is Sarona Snuka and I am one of the Head Managers at the Maivia Hotel and Resort. I work along side my older cousin Dwayne and my younger cousins who like to act older Leati, Jimmy, Jey and Lina as well as Aunty Ata who runs the hotel. Now you may be wondering about Jason, well he is a family friend who I've known for 3 almost 4 years now. Ever since the day we met he has been bringing me Roses as well as making sure I'm fed and have had a break. Lina says he has some what of a crush on me but I think he's just being polite. Yes I do have a slight crush on him but that's besides the point, I'm sure he's just being friendly. Right? Anyway As of right now Aunty Ata, Lina and I are in the kitchen getting all the salads ready as well as the Sapasui, Faalifu Fa'i and of course the desserts. "So is your boyfriend coming" Lina joked as I pinched her "He's not my boyfriend Lina he's just a friend" I explained as I covered up the salads. "Oh please the man gifts you Roses everyday at work. You may see him as just a friend but the man wants you" Lina said as she rubbed her arm. "Who is this 'man' you're referring to Savelina?" Aunty Ata asked as I glared at Lina mouthing "Don't say anything".

She looked at me then at Aunty Ata with a smirk "Oh just Jason from work" she said crossing her arms looking at me as I facepalmed. "Oh yes Jason the very kind boy who is always asking for Sarona. He's the reason as to why you keep getting bouquets?" Aunty Ata responded. "I have to say Sarona it does seem like he wants to be more than just 'friends' If the boy brings you flowers everyday maybe he's trying to hint something to you" Aunty stated as she placed everything in the fridge. "See Ro even Aunty can see that he likes you and we both know you like him too" Lina said being her sassy self as usual. Aunty Ata looked at the two of us and laughed "Ahh my darling nieces I love you both very much but remember the day you both get a man is the same day your brothers out there will be the most overprotective" she hugged us and kissed our foreheads before going outside to check on the boys. "Ro...why do you find it hard to believe that Jason could potentially have a crush on you. I mean the man gifts you with your favourite roses everyday, he waits till you get off work just to talk to you. The man wants you but what's holding you back?" Lina asked me as she laid her head on my shoulder. I let out a deep sighed "I'm scared Lina. Scared that history will repeat itself and I'll be left heartbroken again" I said trying to hold back the tears. "Sarona, Jason is way different to any other guy. He is polite, sweet, kind and overprotective of you. He won't let anyone hurt you and I've seen it, I know your still hurt because of what  Edge did to you but you can't let that get in the way of you being happy. Trust me I'm still just as afraid as you are because of what  Randy did but we can get through this together" Lina said as she hugged me.

I nodded and hugged her back wiping away the tears that had escaped. We looked at each other and laughed "Oh gosh we are something else my sisser" Lina said making me laugh "Alright let's get these desserts made" I said as I started preparing everything for the banoffe pies. A few minutes in and Jason came into the kitchen "Aloha Ladies" I smiled as Lina smirked "Hey Jason" I said as I continued whipping the heavy cream "This is my friend Damian, Damian this is Sarona and Nia" I shook his hand as he stared at Lina. Ohhh this is going to be fun as I looked at Lina trying not to laugh Aunty Ata came in "Talofa Jason" she said as she came to stand between Lina and I "Talofa Ms. Johnson this is my friend Damian Priest, Damian this is Ms. Johnson she runs the Hotel I work at". He shook her hand "Nice to meet you Ms. Johnson". "Likewise. Now Lina why don't you take Damian and introduce him to everyone out back while Jason stays and helps Sarona" she said making Lina and I look at her. "Well go on" she said as she went back outside leaving Lina and I stunned. "So you're the famous Sarona, Jason constantly talks about" Damian said catching my attention. "She sure is" Lina said laughing making me mentally roll my eyes, I looked at Jason as he glared at Damian. Before I could say anything Dwayne and Leati walked in "Sole you made it" Dwayne said as he bro hugged Jason "Of course man wouldn't miss it for the world" Jason replied and quickly introduced Damian. "Come to the backyard and we'll introduce you to everyone" Dwayne said as he grabbed more beer "Or would Jason rather stay in the kitchen eyeing out his next meal" Leati said making Jason cough and Dwayne spit out his beer. "Dwayne you ok?" I asked "I'm fine but he won't be" he looked at Leati with a stern look. Damian stood there trying not to laugh as Jason facepalmed, they all went to the backyard as I finished topping the pies with the cream. "Need a hand?" I looked up to see Jason standing in front of me. I smiled "I'm good thank you Jason" I covered up the pies and placed them in the fridge turning to see him with another bouquet of Roses. "Roses for such a beautiful Island Princess" he said handing me the bouquet. I couldn't help but blush "Thank you Jason" I placed them in a vase and handed him a beer. "Everything in here is done so let's go out back and have some fun" I said as he smiled following me outside.

The rest of the day went by smoothly. Everyone enjoyed themselves as well as the food. I looked around and couldn't seem to see Lina or Damian I laughed as I remembered seeing how much they both drank. Soon after I felt someone hug me from behind, I turned and saw Jason. "You wouldn't happen to know where Damian is would you?" He asked me "No actually. I can't seem to find Lina either" I said making him chuckle "Well let's hope they're together somewhere" he said making me laugh. We continued to talk for the rest of the night, he even stayed to help clean up. "Thank you for helping out Jason" Aunty Ata said as she dried her hands after washing the dishes "No worries Ms Johnson anything to help make things easier for everyone" he said as she smiled. "Such a nice boy. But because it's late you will stay the night" she said "Oh no it's ok" he said as he finished packing up the tables outside "No I insist. You can go home in the morning but tonight you will stay" she said as he nodded. After we cleaned up we all went straight to bed, what a day it was. A few hours after I fell asleep my phone went off, I got up to check it and saw a beautiful white Hibiscus on my night stand.

*Text Message*

Jason: Thank you for an amazing day, I really enjoyed myself with you. I hope you like the hibiscus, a beautiful island flower for a Beautiful Island Princess.
Sweet Dreams Sarona

I smiled feeling myself blush at the message as I slowly drifted off to sleep again. This man is someone who makes me feel so happy, maybe Lina's right it's time to move on and do what makes me happy. I just hope I can do it.

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