Readier Than Ever

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The only positive outcome of Paul's overdose was that it had partly killed the spirit of Beatlemania, at least the most annoying part. People would always view them as those perfect boys in suits and clean haircuts. That was what Brian thought would help them succeed and obviously he was right. However, later when everyone was already crazy about them it was hard to ruin their reputation or even slightly damage it. As soon as the news spread that Paul McCartney was a heroin addict people started thinking about them differently. As the shock was slowly fading away, so were the insane times of Beatlemania. Most newspapers were still constantly mentioning them here and there, but the fans seemed to had calmed down a little. Luckily for The Beatles, because they were getting tired of not even being able to leave their hotel rooms without almost getting run over by hundreds of screaming girls.

"I'm sorry, Johnny. God, I'm so sorry," Paul sighed. He hugged John lovingly and buried his face in his collar bone.

"I know, I'm sorry too. It's okay, love," John whispered and placed a kiss on the top of the lad's head. He was telling the truth. The more he kept thinking about all the stuff that had happened between them the more he saw that the only way to truly move on was to let go of all the grudges. Despite the pain in his ribs area reminding him of what Paul had done, he tried to ignore it. It wasn't an easy thing to do, but it was what he wanted. To put all that behind them and finally move on.

"I want you to know that I'm so glad I have you." Paul broke the hug, so he could take a good look at his partner. They were tears slowly collecting in his eyes. "I missed you so much, you have no idea. I never want to spend a single say without you."

"I love you so much, Macca. I'm so glad that I'm finally here with you." John couldn't help pressing his lips on Paul's. Maybe it was the fact that they hadn't kissed so passionately in a very long time or maybe it was something else, but John's heart pounded in his chest as his knees got weaker. All he could focus on was how soft Paul's lips felt against his own. It felt almost as great as their first kiss.

After Paul's love confession, which hadn't gone too well, things were worse than awkward. John couldn't look him in the eyes after being so awful to him. He was too embarassed and too terrified of his own, possibly romantic, feelings towards his best friend. When one of their group jams had ended he finally summonded up enough courage to confont him. Neither of them would ever forget how incredible it felt to look eachother in the eyes again and how the time seemed to stop the second that their lips met. They would both remember that moment until their dying breathes.

- two weeks later -

When enough time has passed since the day Paul had left hospital, him and John went back there for a quick check up. While Paul was inside, John had to stay outside. They couldn't risk people figuring out that they were together. His heart started hammering when he saw Paul getting out of the room, he calmed down when he saw the smile on his face.

"He's going to live," the doctor assured John after he noticed the worried expression plastered on his face. The lad nodded and grinned widely as he noticed how happy Paul seemed. "You are an adorable couple by the way," the man added quietly and John's face went completely red.

"I..." he opened his mouth, but got interrupted.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone. The way you two look at eachother speaks for itself though."

John tried to find a good answer, but nothing came to his mind. "Thank you," was all he replied. The doctor nodded and walked away. "Ready to go, Macca?"

"Readier than ever."

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