mosh pit [peteky]

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"I broke your nose at a mosh pit" AU - teenage/highschool au.
2013!Pete/2014!Mikey because 2014 Mikey is hot af

Pete's absolutely fucking estatic; he's 18, he's never been to a real, proper metal concert, music is blaring in his ears, there's sweaty people all around him - and he's moshing, of course.

He looks like an idiot. He knows this. Does he care? Not at all.

Mikey's just turned 17 - here with his brother and said brother's boyfriend, he's certainly feeling like a third wheel as the two hold hands and make out and talk just loud enough for each other to hear. So, naturally, he makes his way to the mosh pit. Obviously.

That's his first mistake.

Pete turns for a split second - surveying people around him carefully, until he spots an incredibly attractive guy about three metres from him. A soft smirk crosses across his face; he starts gradually drifting towards said cute guy, yet still moshing as if to seem inconspicuous.
Unfortunately, Hot Boy is closer than he thinks; one slip and Pete's fist collides with his nose.

"What the- you fucker, look where you're going!" Mikey yells over the music, holding the bridge of his nose in an attempt to stop the blood dripping from it.
"I'm so sorry!" Pete yells back apologetically; they're close enough together to be within hitting distance, if Mikey was an overly violent person, that is - the music is so loud, however, that they both have to yell. "Mikey Way. You're gonna need to remember my name when I press charges." Mikey mumbled - this guy is really fucking cute, but he did just punch him in the fucking nose, and it's probably broken.
"Pete Wentz," Pete gives him a shit-eating grin, smirking like the dick he is, holding out his hand for a moment before retracting it, as if Mikey was a particualrly dangerous dog - however the smirk never faltered.
"So, Mikey - is this a bad time to ask for your number?"

A/N - Is my lack of abilitiy to write Peteky obvious? Becuase jfc this one was dreadful omg
It was really really fun though oh god
Remember that you're beautiful and anyone who says otherwise can shove a prickly cactus up their arse without lube <3
- Yowzahx

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