secret calls

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I am still totally shocked by the call. Who could this be? And what is he or she trying to warn me about? A thousand different thoughts buzz through my head. I'm scared now. Have I done something wrong? But I can't think about it any longer. It literally kills my mind and I have to get up early in the morning, so I decided to go to sleep.

9am, New York, Arthur Avenue:
I'm just getting ready to leave my house to be on time for my new job. I'm so excited and I hope I'll get on we'll with my colleagues.
I didn't sleep well at all last night because I kept thinking about the mysterious phone call. Or was it Niall and he was playing a prank on me? No, he won't do that.

I finally arrive at the company and get a key to my office. When I enter the room, a young pretty lady with long brown hair and big brown eyes is sitting on one of the two desks.
"Hi, you must be Madison, right? I'm Alia and we share an office together."
"Hi Alia. It's nice to meet you. How long have you been working here?"
"I've only been here since three weeks, but promise me: you get used to it quickly."
"I'm glad not to be here all alone. Shall we go for a coffee during our lunch break? Then we can get to know each other."
"Sure, I'd love to. That would be great!"
I sit down on my seat and start doing my tasks. My phone is always laying next to me because I still hope for a call from Niall. Even though I'm starting to give up hope. Apparently Alia can tell I'm pretty nervous.
"Are you alright, Madison? Do you need anything?"
"Ehm no, I'm fine. But thanks for asking."
After filing a few sheets of paper, my phone rings. Is it Niall?
"Niall? Is that you?"
"No, still not."
"Who are you, Why do you keep calling me?"
"Somebody has to warn you about your future."
"What? Why? Hello?!"
He, she or it hangs up. I'm shaking all over. Now this person is calling me when I'm at work too. What am I going to do now?
"Who was that?" asks Alia.
"Ehm, I don't know, to be honest."
"What did he say? Is he threatening you?"
"He's trying to warn me about something but I have no idea what."
"When did he first call?"
"Last night. I couldn't sleep all night because of it. But it's not that important right now. I don't want to keep you from your work. Sorry."
"It's all right. You don't have to apologize and don't worry so much about this call. It's probably just some crank trying to prank you."
"I think you're right."
"Shall we go to McDonalds? I'm starving."
"Yes, please."

We made our way to McDonalds and talk about various topics. I quickly notice that we have a lot in common, which I find really great. Luckily, she's my office neighbor.

When we arrive and have ordered our food, we sit down at a table by a window. Alia stops and says:
"I'm going to the bathroom real quick. I'll be right back."
I nod and look around the room. Suddenly I saw a familiar face. Wait: That's Niall! He sees me too. He walks up to me and sits down next to me:
"Hi, long time no see, huh? How are you?"
"Good, today was my first day at work."
"That's great! By the way, I'm so sorry I didn't call you, but I left my phone at work."
"I thought you'd forgotten about me."
"Never. Are you free tonight?"
"Depends on for what?"
"Going for a little walk?"
"Tell me when and where: I'll be there."
"9pm, Houston Street. By the big tree. See you later."
As Niall leaves again, Alia comes back:
"Uhh, who's that?"
"That's Niall. I met him yesterday. In the elevator."
"Ok, you have to tell me everything now."
I tell her everything down to the smallest detail.
"So if it doesn't work out between you two, I'll eat a broom."
"Let's hope so haha."

Half an hour later we are back in the office and continue our work. Niall is on my mind the whole time. I'm actually going to meet him! Wait a minute. What am I going to wear? I take a quick look at my watch: 7pm. I'm finally off work.

The first day at work was nice, but I finally want to see Niall.
"Bye, Alia! See you tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow! You better tell me everything about your date then."
"Yes, of course. You will know everything as soon as possible."

When I was at home I was getting ready, so I can be on time. I'm so excited. The last day I was on was three years ago. Since then I only had One-Night-Stands ore no one.

I'm currently on my way to Houston Street in a taxi. When I arrived, Niall wasn't there yet. I was waiting a few minutes until he show up. He looks so magical.
"Good evening, M'Lady. Are you ready?"
"I was born ready."
He grabs my hand and pulls me to a lonely, but beautiful place. There are flowers and colorful lights everywhere. It feels like a fairytale.
Niall lies down on a small couch that stands there and I snuggle up to him. A few beautiful minutes later my phone rings: it's him again. Niall notices that something is wrong and asks:
"Is everything alright?"
"He's calling again."
"I don't fucking know."
"Answer it. I'll do the rest.- Hello, who is this?"
"Hello Niall."
"How do you know my name?"
*to be continued*

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