party in NY

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The warmth of the asphalt is dampening.
It is almost dark and the moon shines brightly in the sky.
A few stars can already be seen.
They shine in Niall's beautiful eyes.
I love his ocean blue eyes.
I take his hand and whisper to him:

"I am very looking forward to the evening. Thank you for being here. I am glad you are here."
"Of course I'm here. My sweetheart has been promoted. What a bad boyfriend I would be if I didn't accompany you? I am always there for you. You know that."
"You're right. You have to be here."
He then pushes me slightly to the side and laughs at me for falling into a strange man. That was embarrassing. Of course I apologize to the man.
"I hate you, Niall."
"I know you love me."
He smiled at me and I couldn't resist to kiss him.

On the way to the club, the rain gets a little heavier, but we don't mind.
We are standing in front of one of the most popular clubs in New York, Marquee.
I haven't been out partying for ages and I really want to be drunk again and forget all my fears.
Luckily everyone had time and we can celebrate together. I think this will be a great evening.

Alia with Robert,
Louis with Harry
and me with Niall.

The front door is huge and many other people, who look super rich, are standing outside the club.
I don't know one single face and then I realize that I really should go out partying more.

After a few minutes of waiting, we are let in and head straight for the bar, which is crowded. Niall finally spots an empty seat and squeezes in, to order us all a drink.
Waiter:"What do you want, young man?"
Niall:"Six Cocktails, please."
Waiter:"Coming up."
We get our drinks and we look for a free table, which wasn't easy because the club is crowded.
Robert:"Ah, there's a table at the back!"
Louis:"Quick! I don't wanna wait any longer."
We never run so fast as we did at that moment. I mean, a table was at stake.
Niall:"So guys, lets have a toast to the greatest, smartest and most beautiful woman I know. And to her success, of course. To Madi!"
All together:"To Madi!"
"You're all so sweet. I love you."
Then I turned to Niall:
"But I love you the most."
"I still love you more, babe."
I kiss him passionately.


We were drunk. Very drunk.
Luckily Harry was still a bit sober and could look after us a bit.
But we still fucked up a lot.
Niall flirted with a waiter who got offended by it and we got kicked out of the club.

So there were we.
Drunk on the empty streets of New York.
Harry:"Guys, I don't think I'm sober anymore either."
"Yay, Harryyyyy! Join us!"
We were standing in the middle of the street. Then Alia suddenly turned on some music ‚Hangover by Taio Cruz'.

We started dancing until we reached the park.
I think Louis was the drunkest of all of us.
Louis suddenly runs off.
Louis falls down.
Into the grass.
And of course I don't let him lie there alone, so I lie down next to him and we burst out laughing.
A few seconds later, all six of us are lying in the damp grass, laughing and crying at the most unnecessary things.
Alia*drunk*:"I want a tree. A tree in my living room."
Niall*drunk*:"I used to want a unicorn. A pink fluffy unicorn. And a little pig."
"Who didn't?"
Harry*drunk*:"Everybody did."
Niall*cries*:"Why don't they exist? I just want a unicorn."
Louis:"Me too, mate. Me too."


We are reasonably sober again and make our way home.
Niall is still pretty drunk, but I have control over my thoughts again and look after him because of that. When we got to my flat after a few minutes, we say goodbye to the others.
"Bye guys. Thank you for the evening. It was great."
Niall*drunk*:"I loved it."
Harry:"Bye! See you later!"
"Come on, sweetheart. We are going to bed now."

Niall still couldn't walk straight so I prop him up until we got into my flat. Niall immediately lies down in bed and snores very loudly. I lay down next to him and he takes me in his arms.
"I...I need to apologize."
"You don't have to. Everyone gets drunk sometimes."
"No, not about that. I lied to you."
"What? About what? Is it bad?"
"Great, he's asleep now. Good night, babe. I love you."
I kiss him on the forehead.
What did he lie about?
Did he do anything bad?
What should I do now?
Should I talk to him about it again tomorrow?
No, I won't.
It's his decision whether he tells me the truth or not.
He doesn't have to tell me everything, but I just want to know the most important things.

I want to know what his interests are.

I want to know what his plans are.

I want to know what makes him smile.

I want to know what he is really like without pretending.

I just want to know if he really loves me.

Does he love me as much as I love him?

I am afraid. I am afraid of the truth.
It's probably just something unnecessary again, but I'm already thinking too much again.

But what if it not ‚just something unnecessary'?

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