double date pt. 2

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Half an hour later, the food is ready and Harry and Louis should be coming any second. Meanwhile Niall puts the food on the table.
"Niall, can you turn of the TV?"
"Whatever you want."
"Thank you."
*Ding Dong*
"They are here."
Niall:"Oh really?"
"Shut up."
I open the door and all I see is a huge bouquet of flowers.
Louis:"Surprise! I hope you like roses. Pink roses."
"We love them! Thanks, you two. Hi Harry. I'm Madison. Nice to meet you."
Harry:"Hi Madison. Me too."
Niall:"Hi, you two. I'm Niall and I- Wait, Harry? Louis? Haven't seen you in ages."
Louis:"Hey, bud. How you doing? Long time no see."
"You guys know each other?"
Harry:"We were in the same class."
Niall:"That's such a coincidence."

We sit down and talk about god and the world. I have never had this fun talking to people in ages. Harry has such a good personality and Louis is as funny and sassy as me and Niall and I love it. After a lot of laughs , Louis has an idea:
We play ‚Two Lies, One Truth'.
We all agree and Harry is going first.
Harry:"Ok, I used to have a pet pig. I have three nipples. And I own a lucky charm made out of teeth."
"You definitely have three nipples."
Niall:"You sure? Three nipples?I could remember that."
Harry:"Madison's right."
Niall:"No way you have three nipples, bud. I don't believe you. Let me see."
We laugh so hard at Niall's line that we forgot to continue the game at first.
Louis:"Niall, your next."
Niall:"Alright then: I was so drunk once I tried to flirt with my mom. My uncle is a famous porn star. And I have very ugly foot."
"The first one."
Louis:"I would have said that."
"Every foot is ugly. I haven't seen any pretty ones and I don't know any pretty ones."
Harry:"I think Niall has very ugly feet."
Niall:"Ooooh, and Harry won!"
"Niall, please don't flex with your ugly feet, duh."
Niall:"Shut up, babe."
*he gives me a kiss*
Harry:"Lou, you're up."
Louis:"Alright, luv. Let me think: I had to pretend to be a girl once because otherwise I wouldn't have got into a party. My father grounded me once because I slapped him in the face. And I once had a long-term relationship with a girl."
"You pretended to be a girl 100%."
Harry:"I seriously have no idea."
Niall:"Don't look at me like that, I don't know either, but I think the first one is true."
Louis:"Shit, you guys are good at this. Madison, your turn."
"Uhm. I used to be a cheerleader. I shaved my hair really short once. And... I... was being raped by my dad and my uncle."
Shit, what did I just say? I didn't want to tell anybody. What am I doing now?
Harry:"Please tell me the last one isn't true."
Niall:"Madison? Are you alright?"
"Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. This is so embarrassing."
Louis:"You don't have to be ashamed of it. This only shows how strong you are. Do you want to talk about it? We are always here for you."
"I think I can't talk about it. Not yet. I don't even know why I just said that. Fuck."
Once again, I am completely overwhelmed and start crying. Harry immediately jumps up and hugs me. Louis and Niall do the same thing. It feels so good to be around them. This shit is so crazy: I just met them today, but I already feel so comfortable and safe with them. I think this friendship will last forever.
"Thank you. I think this was the longest group hug I have ever had."
Niall:"I think I have never had a group hug, lol
I'm lonely."
"Not anymore, babe."
Harry:"Madison, we didn't lie. You can talk to us about anything, okay? And we will listen."
"I know. If something is bothering you, you can always come to me. I hope I didn't ruin the double date."
Louis:"No, not at all. This was the best double date I have ever been on. I think the little crying session made us bond a lot more."
Niall:"Even though we sort of met today."
Harry:"I totally forgot about that."
Louis:"I really don't mean to say anything, but I think we should go. It's getting pretty late."
"It's okay. Thank you for the evening. And for the most beautiful flowers ever."
Harry:"You are welcome. Bye!"
We waved goodbye and closed the door.
Niall:"Why didn't you tell me?"
"I really hate talking about my past. Especially not when I haven't known the person that long. It really has nothing to do with you. I would have told you at some point. I don't know why I just said that in front of them. It just came out."
"Maybe you needed to let it out. Babe, you don't have to talk to me about it, but I want you to know that you can talk to me anytime and about anything. I will ALWAYS listen."
"Thank you, darling. You can talk to me about anything too. I love you."
"Love you more."
"Nope, I don't think so."
"But I do."
He gives me a long and passionate kiss. I love kissing him. His lips are so soft and warm. I always feel so safe kissing him. I love him.

After we clean the kitchen, we lie down on the couch to watch a movie. My head rests on Niall's chest and I hear his loud, steady heartbeat, which immediately puts me to sleep.

I don't know how long I slept, but I wake up and the TV is off. I sit up and look around the living room. I notice that I am all alone. I am very tired and my vision is a bit blurred, but I hear familiar voices.
I get up and feel a little dizzy.
I follow the voices and with every step I take they get louder and louder. Then I see Niall with a man. The man! The man I met in Christopher Street a few days ago. The man that called me. Does he know him? Neither of them had noticed me yet and I decide to eavesdrop on them. I know it's a crime, but I need to know what they're talking about.
The man:"Thanks for the information, little one."
Niall:"I hope I'm finally out of this thing."
The man:"You have our word."
What are they talking about? Should I say something?
"Niall, what are you doing? Why is he here?"
Niall:"Madison? Uhm... You're dreaming. Go back to sleep."
I watch the man running away and Niall has a big blue envelope in his left hand. He carries me to bed and I fall back asleep.

Was that really a dream?
Or is Niall hiding something from me?

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