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⭕️TW: suicide⭕️

I am nervous and I am shaking all over. I am about to meet Niall and talk to him after not seeing him for weeks. The first meeting will probably be cringe as fuck, but luckily Harry accompanies and supports me.

Niall's house is on the very outskirts of New York and it takes about 45 minutes to get from my flat to his house.
The traffic is terrible as there are a lot of cars on the road, so it would even take longer.
"Can't there be any progress? I'm in a hurry! Goddamn."
Harry:"We'll get there. It's not like he's gonna run away."
"Could be. I'm just afraid I'm too late."
Harry:"I don't think so. Niall would wait years for you."
"Yeah, I'd do the same for him."
Harry:"I know. I hope you're not angry at me but I told Louis."
"What did he say about our plan?"
Harry:"He wishes us good luck and hopes it would all go well. But I think he was being ironic. The important thing is that you think it's right."
"It is."

All of a sudden the car stops. We are stuck in a traffic jam. Full of panic, we don't know what to do. I'm freaking out because I just want to see Niall.
After a moments thought, I get out of the car.
Harry:"Madison, what are you doing?"
"I need to see Niall. I don't feel good about standing here in traffic."
Harry:"But it'll take forever to get to his house."
"About 10 minutes. If I hurry, I can make it in seven. See you later!"
Harry:"Good luck!"
"Thank you!"

I run as fast as I can through the stationary cars until I was on the footpath. I never thought I was so athletic, but when it comes to love, all the adrenaline gathers.

A few minutes later:

I'm only a few meters away from Nialls house and I see his front door is open. I had a bad feeling about this whole thing and gather my very last ounce of strength to get into his house as fast as I can.
I close the door behind me and look around.
The house looks very empty.
"Niall! Hello? I'm Madison. Hope you still know me? Where are you? Are you okay?"
I look for him on the ground floor, but there's no sign of him. I shouted his name, but he didn't answer.
As I walk up the stairs I see an empty sleeping pill pack.
Niall doesn't take sleeping pills, does he?
I reach the hallway and slowly move towards the bedroom.
I open the door and suddenly scream out. I couldn't control it.
"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I waited too long!"
Niall lies motionless ok the floor.
I shake his weak body.
"Niall, please wake up! I need you! Please! Can you here me?"
No response. Next to Niall's body are two other sleeping pill packs. Seems like he took them all at once. I am totally overwhelmed by the whole situation and don't know what to do.

Got it! I call the emergency doctor! I immediately take out my mobile phone.
Doctor:"Hello, how can I help you?"
"I need help very urgently! My boyfriend is unconscious. What should I do?"
Doctor:" Everything will be alright. Calm down. Where are you?"
"97 Manhattan Ave."
Doctor:"We'll be right there. Put him in a stable position if you can. We'll do the rest."
"Will do. Thank you."
I lay Niall on his side so he was more stable and a note falls out of his pocket. It says: to Madison.
I don't have time to think about this right now and I put it back in my jacket pocket.

After about five minutes the paramedics finally arrived and they take Niall to the hospital.
I sit in the ambulance with them as I asked if I could go and they allowed me.
Then I feel my mobile phone ringing and I answer it.
It's Harry.
Harry:"Hey, where are you?"
"On my way to the hospital. I'll explain everything later."
Harry:"Ok, I'll be right there too."

I sit next to Niall, who is still unconscious, and stroke his face. At this moment, so many thoughts and memories are buzzing through my head.
I am scared.
I am nervous.

We arrive at the hospital and Niall was immediately transported to the operating theatre by the nurses.
A nurse takes me to the waiting area where I should wait for Niall.
Minutes pass like hours.
My fear that he won't get better increases.
I blame myself for letting it get this far.
I should have talked to him sooner.
It's my fault.
Why was I so selfish?

After 15 minutes, Harry and Louis finally come into the waiting area. They notice how tense and nervous I am and hug me tightly.
"Thank you for being here. I'm so afraid."
Louis:"We are always here for you."
Harry:"It's going to be okay."
"Lou, I know you're not too fond of Niall anymore, but..."
Louis:"But I've changed my mind. Harry told everything down to the last detail. You guys can do it. You're really meant to be together. Niall is a good guy."
"Thank you so much, Louis. That means so much to me."

We sit back down in the chairs and I'm trying to calm down when suddenly the head doctor storms out of the operating theatre.
Head doctor:"Who belongs to Niall Horan?"
Harry, Louis & I:"Us!"
Head doctor:"There is a problem. Mr Horan has taken so many sleeping pills that it is not possible to get the harmful substances out of him with a simple operation. So we would have schedule a major surgery in Ohio."
"Could you really do that? Would the operation help?"
Head doctor:"Yes, but there's a downside. The health insurance won't pay the amount of money and you'll have to come up with the costs by yourself."
Harry:"How much is it?"
Head doctor:"About $100.000."
"I'll pay that. It's no problem."
Head doctor:"Okay, then we'll move him to Ohio tomorrow."
Louis:"We thank you."
The doctor goes back to the operating theatre and Louis, Harry and I look at each other a little worried.
It's a really high sum, but if Niall gets better afterwards, it's worth it to us. Especially me.

I didn't sleep that night. I was thinking about Niall the whole time and I was scared. I still am.
Louis and Harry promised me that they would drive me to Ohio in the morning, for which I am very grateful.
The drive to Ohio took forever. Especially when you're a impatient person like me.

After a few hours of driving we finally arrived and I was immediately led into a small room where I had to wait.

And now I've been here for three hours waiting to get an update from Niall.
I'm all alone in this room. It's really weird.
There's not much to do here except read magazines.

A few minutes later, a young woman comes into my room.
Woman:"Hello, Mrs Hall. Your friend has been taken to the third floor. The operation was successful, but he is not stable yet and will not wake up for a few hours. Nevertheless, you can go to his room already."
"Really? Thank you. That's such great news."
I go to the third floor and am taken to Niall's room.
He's laying in bed, sleeping very peacefully.
I sit down on the chair next to the bed and take his hand.
"It's going to be okay, Niall. Everything is going to be fine. We can finally spend time together again soon. I'm looking forward to hearing your voice again. I love you, Nialler."
I search for a cloth to wipe my tears, reaching into my jacket pocket. There's the letter.
Should I open it? Yes.
I open the letter and see a lot of text.

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