The bestfriend

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*Adira's pov*

     You've known him for forever, you couldn't live without him. He's the reason you smile and why you feel like there's good in the world still. But there was always something weird between you. It's not that it made anything awkward at all you were more yourself with him than you have ever been with any of your family or other friends. But there was still an underlying tension you couldn't quite place.

     Thinking about the not so far off future your mind wanders farther into your life with Danny and what's going to happen in four months when you're finally out of the dump truck of life called highschool. And you realize that you've never actually talked to him about his plans or yours, well if "I don't know" was even considered a plan. You couldn't bear to be away from him even for a semester or two because what would you ever do without the cure for all boredoms and the goofiest best friend any girl could ask for.

     Your thoughts were rudely interrupted by your phone ringing just for you to see the contact picture for... Danny? He usually just texts... this is strange. Pressing accept becoming a little on edge you immediately hear the incredibly happy and funny voice he does as he says hi to you like a five year old and all your fears disappear, he's okay. After destresssing with an awkward half laugh you respond, "Hey danny what's up? And why did you call me??"

     "Ummm I don't know I just felt like calling this time, why are you acting like it's weird?" Another awkward laugh this is really strange.

     "Well it's not weird I guess just a little out of character for you. Buuuuuuttttttt moving on why did you want to talk to me anyway?"

     Sounding like he just got snapped back from zoning out he responds "Oh yeah about that, I just wanted to know if you were free Saturday?"

     "I don't know but you scare me what are you planning now?"

     "Oh calm down. God woman, what do you think I am, fucking crazy?" You both burst out laughing.

     "Umm yeah!"

     "Okay you might be right, but just a littttlleee bit" he says now getting (teasingly) defensive. "I just wanted to go have fun, would you be down for mini-golf?"

     "Depends, is the disaster going to happen again?" You ask in amusement mixed with genuine fear. The Disaster was what got them kicked out last time but to their extreme surprise not banned for life. It was hella fun but after one too many golf balls hit too hard and maybe into a few decorative ponds and sword fighting with the putters they were forced to leave. "You know that was probably the most reckless I've ever been, we just really did not care that day."

     "THAT'S THE MOST RECKLESS YOU'VE EVER BEEN?? That was NOTHING. You need some more experiences" He says flabbergasted, and to think my own best friend doesn't know how sheltered I am 🙄.

     "Okay yeah I'm definitely not going with you now." Hanging up before he gets a chance to argue you make a run for the shower before you have to finish homework.

     The showers heat starts declining and the race to beat the cold begins. But as you step out of the bathroom wrapped in two towels, one on your body and one around your hair, the doorbell rings. After a minute you realize you're the only one home and start to panic. Taking a deep breath you try to sneak downstairs slowly and peek at whoever may be outside but right as your foot hits the last step the door opens giving you the spook of the century and immediately making you spin on your heel and run back up the stairs three at a time.

     "ADIRA!!!" Wait is that.... Danny? You just arrived at the top of the stairs and spin around to see him looking up at you and laughing. "Did you.... just run.... up the stairs???" He questions cackling like a hyena. Taking a deep breath and rolling your eyes you yell down at him to wait as you walk off to get dressed hearing him still laughing. Well that was awkward you think heaving a sigh as you shut the door feeling your face burn a hot red.

     Not wanting to face him again with the embarrassment of being caught half naked and in the middle of panicking you take forever getting ready. But of course the impatient little butt hole Danny is, he knocks on your door after 20 minutes. Hearing genuine concern in his voice as he asks if you're alright you sigh again but tell him to come in since you're just finishing tossing your long hair into a bun.

     Hearing genuine concern in his voice as he apologized for scaring you, you turn to look at him but instead it's your turn to burst out laughing. "WHAT are you wearing?" The black leather bodysuit fit nicely to his skin especially when he moved and it pulled tight against his chest and biceps. Studying him from head to combat boots he snaps to wake you from your trance and with a wink and a smirk reminds you where his eyes are. Not letting him fluster you there's an opportunity to tease him a little... "Wow all you need is some cat ears and you'd look just like-"

     "Chat Noir?" He interrupts bringing the headband with kitty ears from behind the wall and into your view. "Yeah that was kind of the whole point so I'm glad you noticed." You wanted to laugh but the grin on his face just made you melt instead. And you looked into his dark eyes letting your mind wander back to the big question of what would you do without him? Feeling the tension Danny begins to walk toward you but the movement snaps you back to reality and you have to focus again. Of course reminding him he doesn't have to just stand in the doorway.

     "Speaking of coming in, how did you get in my house anyway?" You toss him an unopened water and begin to pick up the stuff you had out from the shower and put it in its proper places.

     He just scoffs at you and sarcastically tells you, "Oh yeah like I haven't been coming to your house for years. I've watched you get the spare key to let us in before and it's not like it's hidden very well." Mental note: tell mom and dad to find a new hiding spot for the key.

*authors note*

I added the water bottle in the end there because YOU NEED TO GET WATER (and maybe food). Okay thats all. Hope you enjoy my book if you do just keep on scrolling 🙃

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