Prove it

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*Adira's POV*

     "What is going on here?" The authoritative voice rang in my ears and I knew shit was about to hit the fan. I glanced up to see someone who looked like a manager glare at me as I stood in knee deep water in the middle of a fake river absolutely fuming.

     "I don't know, Danny what IS going on here?" Your best friend was cackling at you while standing at a safe distance and completely dry. Of course it would be funny to him. When he didn't respond I decided to give the angry man what he had asked for and said, "HE PUSHED ME IN HERE!" not holding back any of the anger I felt.

     Finally pulling yourself together you climb out of the water. "Both of you come with me." Danny sobers up at that and I give him another hard glare before following after the man, dripping water behind me.

     We are lead into an office and my suspicions were confirmed that this was indeed the manager, and we were in big trouble. The man sits behind the desk but I stay standing near the door not wanting to get the chair wet and hoping this would be a short meeting. Danny enters behind me and follows my lead of remaining up.

    "Spare me the stories, I really don't care. But I won't press any charges if you both promise to NEVER come back." And there it was. We were banned. I stared at my toes and gave a slight nod.

     "Don't be such a killjoy man what else is the pond there for??" Oh no please Danny don't do this.

    "IT'S JUST DECORATION!" the manager would definitely be pressing charges if I didn't get Danny and I out of this fast.

     "Danny, just cut your losses let's go." I took a deep breath and grabbed his sleeve as I turned to walk out of the office. Danny gave a little resistence but realized I was right and followed after me.

     I snatched my phone back from Danny's pocket, Thank God he had it in his pocket when I fell in the water. As my embarrassment started to recede again the anger bubbled to the surface and I walked quickly to the car. Danny unlocked it and I sat down in the passenger seat and turned to look out the window deciding on the silent treatment.

     Danny was much better at the silence game than me and my resolve quickly crumbled. "Are you fucking kidding me Daniel." I huffed and got even angrier when he just laughed at me.

     "You love me Adira."

     "I would like to see you try and prove that." Halfway through my sentence Danny's phone connected to the Bluetooth and started blasting the chorus of Souls - Bones UK and I  reached to turn it off as I finished my sentence but was halted by Danny twisting my head with a hand on my neck and smashing his lips onto mine. I froze completely caught off guard but instinct took over and my mouth moved back against his. Sparks of chemistry flowing through the kiss makes my heartbeat accelerate to new highs. "So many beautiful souls why should I chose" The music added to the experience of kissing Danny and made me feel as though I was floating on heaven, just the two of us totally surrounded in bliss.

     Once he got the reaction he wanted Danny pulled away with a look that screamed "I told you so". Breathless and dazed you gather your senses again and realize that he didn't mean anything by kissing you except that he wanted to prove a point. The emotion of the evening returns in a poisenous mixture of anger and sadness. The kiss meant more to me than proving a point. Everything between the two of you made sense finally the tension was attraction and now you had proof, there was no more denying it but you already knew Danny wanted none of it. And that hurt.

     I held back the threat of tears and silently turned back to the window. "Adira? What's wrong?" Oh really Danny I wonder what it could possibly be.

     "So that's all that was? To prove a fucking point?" Danny looked completely bewildered and I didn't hesitate to continue my explanation "I saw that look Danny. It was 'haha I told you so'." I didn't try to hold my emotion back anymore and my voice cracked as I continued to speak, " So tell me, was that all it was to you? Because I felt a hell of a lot more in that kiss than a tiny argument."

     "NO! What?!? Adira I would never use you like that just prove a point to you."

     "Then why did you do it."

     He aggressively ran his hands through his hair a visual representation of his frustration and nerves. "I did it because I wanted to kiss you. I've wanted to kiss you for years Adi. I just barely started noticing that you did too and I guess I saw an opportunity, an excuse to finally make the move."

     "Wh- Danny what the fuck, you could've just told me" I felt so stupid now with my makeup running and my face red from the salty tears. I laughed and wiped at them. Then I felt a gentle hand on my cheek that turned my head.

    "So I didn't just fuck everything up?"

     "I mean I'm still quite angry about the water thing..." my eyes flickered to his lips, "but I might not mind another of your kisses." I grin and he leans forward obeying my request.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2021 ⏰

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