A Confrontation

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Young-do and I stopped dead in our tracks, the wind continuing to blow our hair around. I was fearful of what was to come, but Young-do just looked purely angry. 

Rachel muttered something to her driver, and she stepped out of the limo, slamming the door behind her shut. She locked eyes with me and started walking towards us, her arms not moving and her heels clacking with every step she took.

She positioned herself a few feet away from us and crossed her arms, her lips curling in a sneer. "You really want to be caught, don't you Young-do?" She looked over at him. "Honestly, you're risking your entire life on a poor girl who doesn't know Samsung from Apple." She scoffed. I curled my fists. Again, my monetary status is brought into the ring. When would that end?

She stepped closer to me. "I hope you know that you are putting Young-do in grave danger. His whole life could be ruined if this information about the two of you got out there somehow. Maybe then when you've ruined his life, you'll be satisfied with yourself." "Shut up, Rachel." Young-do gritted his teeth. Rachel ignored him, still smirking at me. 

"I just hope you know what you're doing, and how you are ruining his career." "How can I be ruining his career?" I asked. Rachel gasped and looked at Young-do, feigning surprise. "Why, you didn't tell her?" She turned back to me. "I guess Young-do neglected to tell you that, that glamorous hotel you and your mother have been staying at, Zeus Hotel? Young-do is the heir." 

I gasped, suddenly feeling the air escape my body. Young-do was the heir? Of the hotel that he has been walking me to every single day? Is that why he was always so leery of getting close to it and left right away after dropping me off? I can't believe I told him that I was getting in for half price. I felt so embarrassed. I looked up at him, a look of shock and hurt on my face. "You're the heir?" 

Young-do's expression read of a bit of guilt mixed with anger at Rachel. "Seo-yun, I didn't think it was important." "It's pretty important, Young-do. I feel really stupid." He grabbed my hand, squeezing it tight. "Don't say that. You have no reason to." That small little gesture automatically made me feel a little better. It wasn't until I looked at Rachel did I realize she was staring at our clasped hands with anger. 

"You...you've ensnared Young-do and seduced him. Your whole nice girl persona is just an act." She raised her hand. "How dare you!?" She came at my face, ready to slap me. I braced myself before Young-do reached out at the speed of lightning, stopping her from striking me. "That is enough of you!" He threw her hand back at her, making her stumble back a bit. 

He started slowly stepping towards her, making her retreat a bit fearfully. "How dare YOU? Who do you think that you are? Are you my mother? My sister? My girlfriend? No. You are NOTHING to me. That is all you are and all you will ever be to me." His eyebrows raised even more so than usual, making him look extra scary. "You need to stop interfering with my life. And if you so much as make a wrong look at Seo-yun again, I will not hesitate to destroy your world." 

He walked back to me and intertwined our hands together, giving me a small smile. "Because she is mine."  

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and the butterflies in my stomach got right back to flying all around, crazily. I didn't know that one man could make me feel like this. 

Rachel was in such disbelief and shock. She looked at the both of us, and her usual stone-cold, evil gaze settled back into place. "You'll be sorry." 

She started walking back towards her limousine and, without another word, got in the backseat and barked at her driver to take her home. Young-do and I were left standing on the sidewalk alone. 

My heart was leaping out of my chest. Was it because of Rachel's threat or Young-do's amazing gesture? I couldn't tell anymore! Although Rachel's last words didn't sit well in my stomach. 

Young-do could tell that she had upset me. He put both of his hands on my shoulders. "Hey, Seo-yun. It'll be okay. Nothing Rachel does can touch us. She's all bark and no bite." He smiled. "It's me and you, kiddo. That'll never change, no matter what." I smiled and looked up at Young-do. "Did you mean what you said? That I was yours?" 

Young-do smiled and raised my chin to meet his gaze. "And don't you forget it." This moment was too romantic. I couldn't believe that this was my life now. 

"Alright, let's get you to the hotel." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You aren't too upset I didn't tell you I was the heir of Zeus Hotel, right?" I sighed. "I was, but that was because I was embarrassed. I just thought you were some rich kid, not the son of a major conglomerate. Seriously, Zeus Hotel is famous worldwide!" He laughed. "Yeah, that's how great I am." 

I lightly punched him in the shoulder, and he faked pain all while laughing. We arrived at the hotel and were prepared to say our goodbyes. 

He leaned over, cupped my face in his hands, and gave me a tender kiss on the forehead. He looked at me, keeping his hands on my face. "I'll protect you. I'm your bodyguard, remember?" I smiled and nodded. I reached out and hugged him tightly. He tensed for a moment, but soon hugged me back. I could tell that he hadn't been hugged too often. 

We waved at each other and I went inside the hotel and up to the room. Mom still wasn't home from her work yet, so I had an hour or so by myself. I flopped onto my back on the bed and sighed, staring up at the ceiling. A huge smile broke out across my face. 

I was so deliriously happy. Young-do and I were dating! Young-do was my boyfriend. It was all so magical. 

I wasn't at all prepared for what was soon to come.

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