The Bribe

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Young-do and I managed to get through the entire school day successfully. However successful you can be when everyone is staring at you, gossiping about you, and talking bad about you.

 Young-do never left my side for the entire day. Not at lunch, not during P.E., and even when I went to the bathroom, he waited outside. I could tell he was very concerned for my well-being and how I would be able to handle this. He chalked it all up to the bodyguard contract, and said that he may even slash the price by 50%. I couldn't help but continue to wonder what this price would be...

We were standing outside of the school's entrance, and I was looking towards the direction of the hotel. "Young-do, maybe today I should walk home by myself." His eyebrows arched, and I could tell he didn't like the sound of this already. "Just until you get the articles off the internet and the stories off the news. We don't need to fuel the flames any further." 

"I told you, Seo-yun, I don't care about what they think of me. I choose you in any situation, and I choose to walk you home." He argued. I sighed. "Please, Young-do. Do you want me to rest easy?" He nodded. "Then please, let me go home by myself. Just for today!" I begged. I could tell that he was opposed to the idea, but he wanted me to be okay. "Okay...only for today. Tomorrow, I get to walk you home, okay?" I smiled and nodded. "Okay." He held out his pinky and arched his brows. "Promise me." 

I giggled and wrapped my pinky around his. "I promise, Young-do!" He smiled at me, released his pinky and pulled me into an impromptu hug. I gasped. "Young-do, but, people can see!" He shushed me, in a soothing way. "I don't care. You are my world, not them." He was so sweet sometimes that you could cry. 

We both let go and said our goodbyes, and Young-do asked once again if I was sure about going back by myself, which I said I was. He made doubly sure my phone was on and even put himself on speed dial if I needed him. I could tell he was very concerned for me, which was much appreciated.

I was walking back home, feeling much more hopeful than I had been when I was sprinting and crying my way to school that morning. I started to daydream when all of a sudden, a limousine pulls up beside me. What is up with this all this limousines pulling up to me?

The driver got out of the limousine and walked towards me. "Miss Seo-yun Kim?" I nodded, a bit nervous. He bowed to me and opened the back door of the car. "Your presence is requested at the Choi residence. Please get in and I will take you there." I eyed him and the car. I thought about the last name and put two and two together. 

"Oh, Choi! Like Young-do?" I asked. The driver didn't say anything except, "Please get in." His tone was a bit more threatening. Against my better judgement, I got in the limousine and he shut the door behind me, hopping back into the driver's seat. Perhaps Young-do was able to get all the stories off the internet and news and was ready to tell me the good news, or maybe he needed my help with fixing this mess. Either way, I wanted to be there for him. 

It was a quick 10 minute drive until we arrived at the Choi residence. It was a humongous mansion with huge gates blocking the entrance. The car was parked on the side of the road and the driver got out of his seat and then came around to let me out. I stepped outside and looked in awe at the fantastic building. So this is how rich people lived. 

The driver punched something into the pin pad on the door and the gates opened. He ushered me to go through and followed closely behind me. I walked in through the gates and looked at the lavish courtyard that was in Young-do's house. There were so many beautiful trees and plants, a fountain like the one at school, and so much land and space!

The driver let me in through a door to the house and stayed outside as I walked in. The floor was a beautiful white marble, the walls seemed to extend on and on, and there was a beautiful white staircase in the right corner of the room. Glass doors separated the other rooms from the main living room. 

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