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The days leading up to the first task were slow. It irritated me. Every spare minute I had, I was checking up on Fleur, making sure she knew what could happen. I tried practicing important spells with her, but we had no clue what she was going up against, so I couldn't think of any help. Gabrielle seemed to be having a luxurious time at Hogwarts so far. She had no school work -- from not being enrolled yet -- and made friends with many younger first and second-year students.

"I just think she is not up to the task! Yesterday during breakfast, she kept squealing about her champion uniform and how it's not breezy enough," Chase announced, and all the Beauxbatons boys hummed in agreement. Timothée being the loudest out of everyone.

"Stop teasing my ridiculous sister, Chase," I said flatly and continued walking along the corridors toward the classroom assigned for Modern Arts and Literature. "Au Revoir," I kissed Timothée's cheek since the boys had different classes and greeted everyone goodbye.

I floated through the doorway and sat in my seat next to one of Fleur's friends, Alaira. With her coal feathery hair forced into a tight ponytail and her long, pointed face stuck in her usual restrained expression, she didn't bring me much comfort. Not as if she ever had.

The ring of the clock tower bell made everyone stop chattering and begin examining the textbooks supplied to us from our school back home. As we read, we took notes of things we considered necessary on a separate piece of parchment. There were occasional questions whispered to one another, but other than that, the class was silent.

When I finished today's reading, like others, I worked on our current project. It was to create a piece of art that represents your mask. The face you put on for everyone to see when in reality it's nothing but a fraud under your pressure. At the end of the year, we will do the opposite and show our true selves. Some did clay sculpture, others did watercolors, while I choose something no one else had even considered — a charcoal drawing. Most despised the idea because of the black marks that would rest on your hand afterward, but I felt it to be symbolic of my effort.

Several people expressed themselves through animals -- I choose to do the same. My half-finished drawing showcased a sketch of a small lamb standing proudly on the edges of the grass. I still had a long way to go before I finished, but I was confident I would finish it before the next class.

The clock tower rang again an hour later, and everyone rushed out of the classroom. Later that afternoon, I found myself sitting on a wall ledge, working on the same project.

"Hey, Nadeleine," a troublesome voice announced their presence in my ear. I looked to my side and saw the Weasley twins standing there, except one was much farther up than the other. Fred's smile gleamed at me as George admired from afar.

"Hello, Fred. Hello, George," I said, and Fred sat across from me, leaning on the opposite stone pillar.

"I know we made that deal the other day about how if your family leaves us alone, we'll do the same, but you see, me and Georgie can't really follow that."

"Fred," George hissed.

"You see, my dear sweet brother, twin brother, here fancies you, and it'll be kind of hard for him to get to know you if our families aren't on speaking terms."

My eyebrows shot up.

"Fred!" George groaned, and Fred jumped up from his spot.

"I'll let you two talk it out," he walked away before George could strangle him, and I chuckled to myself.

The flustered redhead refused to meet my eyes as he kept his back to me. "George," I sang. George slowly turned around with clenched teeth. "It's alright. You don't have to be embarrassed."

"Okay," he sighed, still not entirely relaxing.

"But you do know I have a boyfriend, right?" He nodded shamefully. "As long as you know that, I'd like it if we could be friends."

A breath of pure relief fell from his lips. "Yeah, yeah, I'd love that," he gasped.

"What did she say?" Lee screamed across the courtyard, and Fred, along with all the other twin's friends, howled in laughter.

George rolled his eyes and yelled back, "go to hell!"

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