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"Bets! Place your bets!" Fred hollered through the frantic and restless crowd.

"Bets taken! Bets taken here! Step up, folks!" George announced and pushed past a few Hogwarts students to access more students. I was standing next to Timothée, who was cheering with his friends. Over the past few days left until the first task, he had developed a side he was cheering for, and it just had to be the Durmstrang Dunbat Victor Krum. I find it quite insulting he isn't at least supporting Fleur, but no matter how hard I tried, I could never push his burst of arrogance away.

"Who fancies a flutter in today's bloodbath? Smart money's on Krum to survive! Any bets?" George continued and walked toward our group of Beauxbatons students. Timothée practically leaped at Fred and shoved the money in the box.

"I bet 10 galleons that Fleur will get last and several injured in the process," he patted Fred on the shoulder who sent him a mischievous grin.

"Are you betting on my sister's survival, Timothée?" I asked from behind him, pulling Gabriel closer to me; she seemed just as disgusted as I was. I didn't want my little sister hearing people talk about my sister like she was some sort of fairy princess that can't survive a school-run tournament.

"Is there a problem with wanting to make money?" Timothée spat in my face, turning around from Fred and George.

We glared at each other; the twins held their breath at the tension. "Gabriel, why don't you go check with Headmistress Maxime and see if you can buy a cute little Beauxbatons jumper," I glowed at Gabriel, who looked towards Timothée one more time before grabbing the galleons I held in my hand and scurrying off.

I sighed.

"Leave us," I demanded, looking to Fred and George, who nodded quickly and shoved past the other Beauxbatons students.

"Do you think it is okay to talk like Fleur that way in front of Gabriel?" I asked with a slight grimace.

"I'm not having this argument right now," he said with a snicker and dragged his friends further down the stands away from the Beauxbatons girls and me. Alaria glanced at me from her conversation, and she appeared to be holding back a sly smile.


The crowd roared as Cedric stumbled back into the champion's tent, his dragon egg tucked away under his arm. The tournament staff began containing the grievous dragon as the students gawked at Cedric's tactic. He used transfiguration to turn a rock into a dog. It distracted the dragon long enough for him to grab the egg, but he got flames to the face soon after, Many students were concerned for Cedric, but then there were also people like Timothée and Chase who laughed at the poor boy.

When Cedric's dragon was escorted out, a new one appeared. With bright green scales and a gecko-like face that looked too small next to its plump dinosaur body and giant leafy wings, it looked way more friendly than the past monster. Or as friendly as monsters who breathe fire can get. However, the one thing that bothered me the most was its vibrant yellow eyes glowering at the crowd.

The Tournament staff ushered the dragon to a corner where it sat, looking cautiously over the crowd, making sure no one could get even close to the nest holding the golden egg in the middle. My breathing faltered as the ringing of Dumbledore's voice rang across the stadium.

"Next up! Facing the Common Welsh Green! Is Ms. Delacour!" the crowd chanted Fleur's name, some in English, some in French, others in rough Bulgarian accents. I pulled Gabriel into my arms, lifting her to peer over the railing, her new Beauxbatons jumper blowing against the wind.

I looked a few groups over to see Timothée and his friends all smirking, occasionally whispering things in each other's ear. For sure, being insults towards Fleur. I shook my head at them and went back to staring at the opening in the rocks where Cedric had come from and left through. I assumed that's where Fleur would be emerging from.

The cheering mellowed down once they saw a small outline of my sister step out of the shadows. Her silky hair pulled back and her baby blue skirt thrashing in the breeze. I found myself taking staggering breathes as she took a few more steps forward.

That's when the dragon saw her.

Its eyes flew alert, and a menacing roar erupted through the stands. Fleur jumped practically five feet in the air at noticing the monster's presence. At an instinct, she turned her back on the dragon and did the only thing she could think of doing at that moment. She ran. Not away or behind a rock. No, she ran to the middle toward the nest.

The dragon reacted at an instant, charging forward. Its claws scratched against the jagged stones as Fleur tried her best to run as quickly as she could. As the dragon got closer to her, my breathing slowed. I wanted to scream at her to stop and think of a new plan — a plan with a spell or something magical. But I couldn't find my voice.

One of the dragon's smooth talons scratched at Fleur, causing a scream to come from many crowd members. Gabriel and I being some of them. But we never heard a cry of pain come from below in the pit the battle was taking place. All we heard was a thunderous thump. Once I opened my eyes again, I found the dragon lying on the ground. It appeared to be in a deep sleep.

The crowd was silent as Fleur panted in both nerves and exhaustion. Everyone was shocked at the turn of events. Once she gained her breath, Fleur continued her race toward the egg. She had her hands in arms reach of the egg when a brutal burst of flame came from the mouth of the dragon. Along with it came an obnoxious snore.

We all gasped when Fleur's skirt went alight. My sister began panicking, trying her best to pat the flames away in a sudden frenzy. But it was no use. She waved her wand, and the flames extinguished themselves. Despite having the fire out and Fleur being now relaxed, the audience was still on edge, waiting for something else to happen.

But it never did.

No more fatal snores. No more injuries or dirt. The dragon didn't even wake as Fleur snatched the egg from the nest. And once her hands were wrapped around it, the crowd burst into applause. All whistling and congratulating her. A broad smile fell across my face, and I began clapping along with Gabriel.

"Way to go, Fleur!" I yelled through the cheers, not being even slightly heard by my sister. Along with everyone else, Fleur was grinning too. She had so much pride and confidence in her eyes. Before walking back into the darkness where she came from, Fleur looked at Gabriel and me. I sent her a reassuring nod. Telling her just how proud I was of her.

As Fleur disappeared from view, a loud chatter began like it did after Cedric left. In the midst of a conversation with Gabriel, I caught the rage-burned eyes of Timothée. He looked furious, and I could see why. He had for once been wrong. He hadn't gotten what he wanted. And he hated when he didn't get his way. Today he was proven wrong about my family. And it filled his eyes with so much distaste and anger that it made me lift my chin in pride.

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