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"Lee," I sang, and Lee looked away from holding Denis Creevey's Transfiguration book out of reach as the short boy jumped to get it. Lee laughed loudly and handed Denis his book just as he reached it. Denis glared at Lee before waddling to his next class. Lee swung his arms and pranced over to me. I raised my eyebrows, and he smiled widely.

"What's got you so happy?" I asked.

"First quidditch match of the season is tomorrow," he answered, hopping in the air again as we strolled down the halls. Quidditch was a massive thing at Hogwarts, and it was exciting to me, especially since Beauxbatons didn't have a team to watch. The Gryffindor team have been having double practices, and today they would be out on the field the entire night. Angelina had been complaining about Ron's lousy Keeper skills, but both of us knew he would get better over time, so she let him stay. Plus, they couldn't find anyone else good enough.

I would be joining Hermione, Ginny, and Luna since Lee would be commentating while the rest of my friends played. I sometimes thought of doing quidditch, but it seemed too stressful for me. And I preferred academics over sports. Also, I knew I wouldn't hear the end of it if Angelina let me on the team. People would pull the Veela or friendship card.

As Lee rambled over his excitement for tomorrow, I examined the courtyard as we passed it. It was near empty, which rarely happened except on a rainy day. Then I noticed a pink figure patrolling the area around the courtyard and understood why everyone had left. Lee's thunderous laughter caught Umbridge's attention, and her toad-like face whipped over to us.

Lee didn't take notice, and I tried to listen to his story while watching Umbridge walk over to us from the corner of my eye. Lee was supposedly getting to the good part of his tale when Umbridge's voice pipped up from behind us. We turned around and saw a sick smile spread across her face.

"Hello, Mr. Jordan, Miss Delacour," she greeted, but we merely stared at her. Lee's eyes were filled with rage as Umbridge glanced him up and down. "Proper attire is required, Mr. Jordan. You must have read that, right?" She asked sweetly, and Lee looked down at his uniform, which was untucked, then touched his loose tie. She swished her stubby wand, and his tie tightened, and his dress shirt lurched into his trousers. He yelped in surprise and looked at her bewildered.

She moved over to me and looked at my impeccable uniform, and her smile widened. "Detention for you, Miss Delacour," she giggled, and my eyes widened.

"What?" I stuttered. "What did I do?"

"Not proper etiquette, Miss Delacour. I will see you tonight at 7," before I could say anything, she clicked off. Lee and I looked at each other, stunned expressions matching each other as we tried to comprehend what had happened.


That night I knocked on Umbridge's door, and she invited me in with a gleaming smile. But I could tell that behind that smile was all her evil intentions. I sat down at the desk, which brought back many horrible memories. "Today, you will be writing for me, Miss Delacour," Umbridge said, placing a pink quill on my desk.

ANGÉLIQUE | G.WEASLEYWhere stories live. Discover now