cast dinner

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warning: contains smut
if you don't like that please skip this part

Blake and I went out to dinner for the night with a few friends. It was a classy restaurant, so anything casual was left at the door. Blake wore a white suit with a navy tie, which she knew I was crazy for. I loved seeing her in a suit, and she knew that all too well.

I wore a shorter navy dress with a fluffy skirt to match her attire.
She always loved this dress on me. She always says it's cute and sexy at the same time, which is why she loved it so much. It showed skin and curves, but yet was still somewhat modest, cute and innocent thanks to the poofy skirt.

The three friends we were out with happened to be our cast mates, who were two guys and one other girl. As we waited to be served, the guys were flirting with me. They didn't know Blake and I were seeing each other outside of filming. Nobody did. We simply weren't ready to go public about it.

The guys kept complimenting me and throwing cheesy pick up lines my way as we all laughed. Well, almost all. Blake was not laughing at all. She didn't find their remarks even remotely funny. She kept her hand on my thigh, slightly rubbing it whenever they'd say something my way. She knew touching my thigh made me go wild and instantly turned me on and reminded me who I belonged to.

Her jealousy could be noticed by just about anyone. For an incredible actress, she didn't do the best job of hiding her rage.

Seeing her upset is one of my least favorite things. If I could, I'd hug her and remind her that everything is okay, but I knew I couldn't with so many people in sight.

"Hey, (y/n). I'm gonna go to the restroom, okay?" Blake said right after another compliment was thrown my way.

She never calls me my full first name unless it's important or she's upset with me. Even in public, it's a nickname or less obvious pet name.

I nodded and offered her a smile, which she did not return, causing mine to fall.

She leaned in towards my ear while the others were distracted. She slid her hand further up my thigh and under my dress, "Meet me there 30 seconds after I get up. Knock 4 times." she whispered in an emotional tone, then got up and walked away. She left me at the table a bit flustered, and red faced, but our friends didn't seem to notice.

This wasn't a new thing. Whenever something like this happens in public, she'd have me go with her to the bathroom. Most of the time it was to have a moment to ourselves and talk for a bit. Surprisingly, she needed a lot of reassurance, just as I do. Although, it wasn't an all the time thing, maybe 1 or 2 times have escalated to- oh it's been 30 seconds.

I excuse myself from the table and follow towards the bathroom. I knocked 4 times. Blake opened up the door, and I walked in. It was a single room kind of bathroom, rather than multiple stalls, which worked in our favor. She quickly closed the door then locked it back.

I walked towards the mirror and looked over myself. I fix my hair and say, while still looking in the mirror, "Muffin, you know I only want you. So don't even think for a second I want either of them." I look down towards the floor in front of me.

She walks up behind me and wraps her arms around my waist and kissed the side of my forehead.

"Oh believe me kitten, I know that."

I look up to watch her in the mirror. She had already begun to kiss my neck. I lifted my hand to run my fingers through her blonde locks, and placed my other on her arms around my waist. She continued kissing and nibbling at my neck, which caused me to let out a small gasp.

"Then why don't we go back out there?" I mumbled.

She stops, and lifts her face to look at mine in the mirror. "Because I can't handle them complimenting you every 5 seconds. I've barely gotten a word in to you. They're stealing all your attention from me." She said in like what seemed to be a hiss, but whatever it was, was filled with venom.

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