Spread Your Wings

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I had a choice, and I knew that. I wanted to be free. Free of hate. Free of pain. Free of fear. I just didn't want to risk it. I had to spread my wings.

I was always an outcast, even before people knew my secret. If I did decide to reveal it, I would be thrown out of town. Just like all the other half-fantasy people before me. For the last 1000 years, the world has been ruled by the same family. A family that hates all fairy tale creatures, mythical beasts and fantasy beings. A family that hates me.

On the outside I look exactly like a normal human, but underneath my clothes, I'm not. There have been so many times where I have wanted to use my ability to escape, but I knew the consequences I would have had to face.

The world we live in today is far too perfect. If one person or thing steps out of line, they get banished and are forced to hide in the shadows. I've heard the last fantasy being to be seen during daylight was executed. I didn't want to take that risk.

There were so many things I could have done. So many things I should have done. When opportunities came up, I thought long and hard, asking myself: "Is this really worth it?"

Keeping a secret as big as this wasn't easy, but I managed to keep it for as long as I needed to. Nobody, not even my parents, knew that the reason I went by so unnoticed, was because someone finding out, would have been the end of me.

It hurt. Both physically and mentally. Sometimes I just wanted to fly away to some island where no one could find me. Somewhere, where I could be free. Back then, that was just some stupid wish I had.

I'm not proud of some of the life choices I've made. In fact, I regret a lot of them. But I am proud of one. When I decided to spread my wings. I took off. Escaped. Flew away. However you want to phrase it, that's what I did. I was finally free.

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