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I never realized how hard it could be to come out to your family.

When I found out I wasn't straight I didn't tell anyone. When I got my first boyfriend in the beginning on high school I brought him home. I am straight forward I don't hide my feeling. I brought my boyfriend home and acted how I would if I had a girlfriend. I kissed him in front of my family and no one said anything.

When he left they asked if I was gay and only liked boys. I told my family that I like boys and girls.

That boyfriend and I didn't last very long. I had to deal with harsh words and discrimination for being BI. In school I didn't care what anyone thought because they weren't me and I knew I wasn't going to have to deal with them when I left high school.

My junior year I met Isabelle's mother. We had a relationship for 2 years. I had gotten her pregnant right before we graduated. She went to college and I followed to be with her and my unborn child. I worked and she studied. I started my business right before Isabelle was born.

The night Isabelle was born her mother left saying she wasn't ready to be a mom and told me to have Isabelle get adopted. I told her no that I wanted to raise her. That night I lost a relationship and gained my happiness.

My mother moved down and helped me take care of Isabelle for the first year and half Isabelle was born. I grew my business some so I didn't have to work as much and my mother could go back home.

My mother still visits a few times a month to check on us. I wouldn't know what to do without my mother's help.

I feel bad that I don't understand how Ethan feels about being fully openly gay.

I want to be as understanding as I can. It will be hard because I'm use to just being open about almost everything. Except my work....
The next morning I don't wake up to Isabelle jumping on me but to my phone ringing.

I look at the time and see that I've slept in and it is 10:30. I answer my phone to stop the ringing.

(Blake) "Hello?"

(Unknown) "Hello is this Mr. Stone?"

(Blake) "This is him who am I speaking to?"

(Unknown) "Mr. Stone this call is regarding your past relationship with a Ms. Cassidy West?"

(Blake) "That relationship is almost 6 years old what could she possibly want?"

(Unknown) "Ms. West would like to have a face to face meeting with you. There are some things that she would like to discuss with you."

(Blake) "I will meet with her tomorrow morning at xxx xxxx park at 10:30. Have a good day."

I hang up and lay back down. Why now of all the times that she could show up again... why now....

My phone rings again and I don't want to answer. I want to go back to bed.

(Blake) "Hello?"

(Ethan) "Hi... sorry if I woke you up.."

(Blake) "Not at all babe. What are you up to?"

(Ethan) "I just got out of class."

(Blake) "Are you free tomorrow morning?"

(Ethan) "We aren't going to an amusement park are we?"

(Blake) "Unfortunately no.. I have to meet with someone I really don't want to and was wondering if you would come along to give me some support. It's fine if you don't want to I will understand."

(Ethan) "Who are you meeting?"

(Blake) "I have to meet with Isabelle's Birth mother."

(Ethan) "Oh Okay I will go with you. Is Isabelle going?"

(Blake) "No... I'm going to let her stay with my mother. We will go see what she wants before we make any other decisions."

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