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I have dinner in the oven. Isabelle and I are watching beauty and the beast when there is a knock at the door. Isabelle jumps up to run to the door but, I stop her and go to answer the door myself.
When I open the door it is Ethan, I sign in relief that is Ethan and not Cassidy.
(Ethan):"Hi, sorry if I'm early but I'm done studying so I thought I would just come over"
(Blake): "You're good. I just thought you might be someone else so I got nervous."

I walk Ethan back into the living room with me and Isabelle sees him. The timer goes off to our dinner.
(Isabelle): "Yay!! Time to eat. Let's go Prince wash hands hurry!"

Isabelle takes ahold of Ethan's hand and runs down the hall to the bathroom.
(Blake): "Isabelle Stone no running in the house you know better."
(Isabelle): "Prince runs toooooo"
(Blake): "No running in the house Ethan Grant"

I hear giggles from the bathroom and I can't help but smile as I take the dinner out if the oven. I plate food as they walk back from the bathroom. I hand Ethan his plate and take Isabelle's to the table along with mine.

As we eat Ethan tells us about his days that we have missed and that he is glad to be done with his studies. Isabelle talks about all of her friends from school. Ethan listens to her with a smile on his face and adoration in his eyes.

Isabelle finishes her food first and decides to go play in her room while Ethan and I finish our dinner.
(Ethan): "are you okay love?"
(Blake): "Yeah... I guess I'm nervous that she is just gonna show up and try to meet her."
(Ethan): "We won't let that happen."
(Blake): "Are you okay? I've noticed a change in your wardrobe and wanted to wait until after midterms to ask if everything is okay... I'm worried about you baby boy."
(Ethan): "It was just some people making comments. I wanted to focus so I changed what I wear. I have one more year of this shit and then I'm free."
(Blake): "I want you to know that no matter what you wear you are still just as handsome. Don't let them get to you babe. I am always here to listen to you no matter what else I'm doing I will pause and listen."

I see his eyes water and he gets up I watch him walk over to me. He straddles my lap and wraps his arms around my neck. He hugs me tight snuggling his face into my neck. I feel a light kiss on my neck. I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss his shoulder. He whispers a small thank you and kisses my neck again. I let my hands slip under his oversized T-shirt and I rub his back and enjoy this moment of him in my arms.
We stay like that for a little bit and we get up.
(Blake): "I'm gonna check on Isabelle why don't you go pick out a movie for us to watch baby."
He nods and I walk to Isabelle's room. I peek in and see that she has fallen asleep.... I watch her confused as it is so early in the evening. I pick her up from her bean bag chair and lay her down in bed. I cover her and kiss her forehead.
(Blake): "I love you princess always."
I turn on her nightlight and close her door. I head to the living room and sit next to Ethan.
(Blake): "She is asleep. What are we watching love?"
(Ethan): "I'm not sure I was going to choose a kid movie but Isabelle is asleep."
(Blake): "Pick anything you want love I'll go make us popcorn."

I kiss his head before going to the kitchen to make the popcorn. Once I'm done I grab a beer for myself and soda for Ethan as he doesn't drink.

When I make it back to the living room I set our drinks on the table he eyes my beer nervously before looking at the screen.

(Blake): "It's okay babe I'm only having one. I wouldn't normally but it's been a stressful day I need to relax a bit. I'm sorry love."
(Ethan): "I know Sorry I try not to get nervous but I still do."

I pull Ethan into my side and kiss his head.
(Blake): "I will never harm you."

He nods before pressing play on the movie he chose.
I read the title before it begins "The Boy Foretold by the Stars"

Throughout the movie I only end up taking one drink of my beer. Ethan ended up helped me relax the most.
We clean up the living room when the movie ends and check on Isabelle before heading to my room for showers and laying down. Ethan takes a shower first and wears one of my shirts and boxers. I take my shower, I take my time as I think of all of the possibilities that could happen with Cassidy fighting for custody. I finally finish my shower and put on my boxers and sweats before leaving the bathroom. Ethan is already cuddled up under the covers. I make sure all of the doors are locked and lights are off before laying down next to him.
I kiss his forehead
(Blake): "Goodnight baby boy."

Right before I fall asleep Ethan lays his head on my chest, his arm goes across my stomach to my side, and a kiss is placed on my chest before his soft voice full of sleep is spoken.
(Ethan): "Goodnight love."

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2022 ⏰

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