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We didn't tell Isabelle that we were go into see her birth mother we simply told her that we were going to go talk to one of my teachers. Blake gave his mother and daughter kisses on their cheek before taking my hand. I wave bye to the two girls and leave with Blake.

We take his motorcycle since it is only the two of us. He only takes the car when he is taking Isabelle somewhere away from their home. They like to walk where they can. On our way to the park my arms tighten around his waist when I feel his breath quicken the closer we get. I pull one hand away and rub his side to calm his down. He takes my hand and places it where it was and pats my hand.
Sooner then we would both like we arrive at the park. I get off and take the helmet off. I unzip the extra motorcycle jacket Blake gave me and just leave it open with my clothes from yesterday. Blake wears all black because he says it expresses how he feels today.

Before we head toward the meeting spot I pull him into a hug

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Before we head toward the meeting spot I pull him into a hug. I feel his hands go around my bare waist from my hands being up.
(Blake): "I can't thank you enough for being here with me. What did I do to deserve you baby boy?"

I feel a kiss on my neck and his arms tighten around me.

(Ethan): "C'mon handsome we can't be late after we can have a movie day with Isabelle in bed okay?"

He nods and takes my hand. We walk through the park until Blake stops walking and is looking and a long black haired girl with her back to us. For a moment I panic what if he wants to get back with her... what if she wants him back.. what if she tries to take Isabelle away because of me.. these thoughts run through my head until I feel a kiss on my temple and I see Blake smile at me. The way he looks at her is different from the way he is looking at me. I don't know how to explain it but I know that Blake doesn't share the same feeling for Isabelle's mother as he does for me.

We take a seat in-front of her. She eyes our hands for a moment before looking away.
(Blake): "Hello Cassidy, how have you been the past almost 6 years?"
I tighten my hold on Blake's hand and mouth be nice. He rolls his eyes and gives me a smirk before looking back at Cassidy.

(Cassidy): "I hear that you really didn't put my child up for adoption... did you expect something from me is that why you kept her?"
(Blake): "If I wanted anything from you why didn't I try to contact you after you left. Remember you contacted me. If anything you want something from me so what is it?"
(Cassidy): "I want to meet her."

Blake laughs. I can tell he is laughing to keep himself from screaming.

(Ethan): "Umm...I don't think that would be a good idea She just learned about you. I don't think she will be willing to see you."
(Cassidy): "And who are you to decide about my child. You think just because you sleep with him that gives you rights to my daughter"

I feel Blake tense and about to get up. I hold his arm and keep him in his seat.
(Ethan): "Hey, it's okay Blake calm down remember who you are here for. Please calm down for me."
(Blake): "Cassidy West you don't have a daughter... I have a daughter. You may have given birth to my sweet beautiful girl but you have no legal right to her. I have full rights and custody over her. Ethan has more rights over her then you do. That's the problem when you abandon your child at the hospital. I am her father and Ethan is my daughters best friend and other father figure."

Blake gets up and pulls me up as well. Leaving Cassidy confused and shocked.
(Ethan): "Have a good rest of your day Cassidy... sorry to leave suddenly but we made a promise not to be gone long. Take care."

When we get to Blake's bike he backs me up against his bike and you can he a low growl because of his anger.
(Blake): "Why are you so sweet my angel? She doesn't deserve your kindness after what she said."
(Ethan): "Hey, I am okay and because everyone deserves kindness right? Calm down love it's okay let's go see the Princess yeah?"
(Blake): "I wonder if you taste as sweet as you act baby boy. You should let me taste you one day."

My cheeks flame at his comment and he laughs before he kisses my forehead and zips up my jacket. He grabs my helmet and places it on my head. From behind him I see Cassidy watching us from a little bit away. I didn't know she had followed us. The thoughts leave as Blake gets on the bike and starts it waiting for me to get on.

Before I get on he blows me a kiss and winks at me before sliding his vizier down to cover his eyes. He pulls out of the parking lot and we head home to our Princess

[Do you think Cassidy is just going to leave? Or do you think she is going to create more drama?I hope you enjoy this part of the story

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[Do you think Cassidy is just going to leave? Or do you think she is going to create more drama?
I hope you enjoy this part of the story...
Have a good day or evening
See you in the next part hopefully]

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