Chapter 40

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Panting for a breath our naked bodies pushed up against each other I press my hands to Jimin's chest to signal I need a moment to catch my breath.

Showering together was only suppose to me washing ourselves but it obviously led to other activities since Jimin couldn't keep his hands off me. I sunk into temptation also. I mean how could I not when my soulmate is dripping wet and toned as fuck around the chest and shoulders lately.

I thank the gym for that.

Jimin has been working out a lot lately and I thank him graciously for the physique he bestows upon me every time he fucks me into oblivion.

"I need a moment. Meet me in bed?"

Jimin chuckles breathlessly, tucking some of my wet hair behind my ear and nods before pressing a kiss to my lips and to smack my ass on my way out the walk in shower.

With a half squeal and giggle I left the shower as he watches me smirking.

I dried myself and left the bathroom in a towel to find some clean clothes on the bed.

I claimed one of Jimin's navy blue t-shirts and black sweat pants to wear comfortably but didn't bother to put underwear on. Jimin's parents are out the house for the night so we can pretty much do whatever we want around the house but we chose to have a movie night in bed tonight.

After dressing I comfortable laid down on my stomach on the bed and turned on the tv using the remote as I ran my fingers through my long hair. I'm just so relieved I no longer have to wear that uncomfortable wig. I do wear the occasional girls clothes around the house or in the garden but I like wearing Jimin's clothes more. They always smell of him and lets just say I've developed an addiction to his scent now.

My phone rings from the bed side table so I roll over and pick it up to answer without checking who it was. It could only be one of our friends or Jimin's parents.




I laughed and checked my screen to see Jungkook and Taehyung both on the screen laughing at me for not paying attention in the first place. Checking their back ground it looks like they're in their shared room back in the dorm sitting on Taehyung's bed.

"Sorry I didn't check before answering."

Jungkook rolls his eyes but Taehyung squinted his eyes and came up close to the camera so I could practically almost see up his nose.

"You have wet hair Y/n. Did you have a shower?" Taehyung

Jungkook pushed him away from the phone and slapped him across the chest using his back hand.

"That's none of your business what the girl does. She's free to shower without you knowing about it." Jungkook

Taehyung pouted at him but looked back to the screen when I giggled at the two and flaunted my wet hair to shake it in front of my camera by running my fingers to the end of my hair.

"As a matter of fact I did."

Taehyung started to smirk and wiggled his brows.

"With Jimin?" Taehyung

"Yes with Jimin."

"I KNEW IT!" Taehyung

Taehyung let out a laugh and started clapping his hands but Jungkook pushed him away causing Taehyung to fall out of view.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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