Chapter 10

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We're sitting in the canteen for lunch and we're currently waiting for Jimin and Jin.

I'm here with Jungkook, Taehyung and Hoseok while Yoongi and Namjoon were currently in line getting food for everyone. It was a school day so on days like this the canteen was the most busiest so we had to be fast in picking a table and getting in line to get food so the best idea would be for us to break up in to groups.

Jin and Jimin were late meeting us because Namjoon got a text from Jin to say the teacher asked them both to hang back and help him with taking a few boxes to a closest for storage on the other side of the building that held out class at the time. History.

I already knew this since I did see the teacher as them but I didn't hear what the teacher was speaking to them about since Taehyung eagerly pulled me out the classroom so ready for food but I heard it through Jimins thoughts so I knew what was going on without having to hear the actual conversation.

It almost made me blush that the main reason Jimin was so irritated to be asked to do such a thing for the teacher was that he wanted to stay with me. True fact that since a few nights ago that we spoke during the night after our drinking session Jimin became very close and spoke to me a lot more just like he does with the others and almost being himself like he use to be when he would speak to me and the way I've seen him with his friends. I love every minute of his presence. He's still very confused that thought hasn't gone away but he's making an effort to be my friend and doesn't like to stay away and he's also very honest with me too.

My thoughts on Jimin were cut off when Hoseok nudged me with his elbow and laughing at my dream like state of expression.

"Sam did you hear what we were saying?" Hoseok

I shook myself gathering myself and put my hands on the table ignoring the snickers and giggles from Jungkook and Taehyung since they know what I would be thinking about.

"No, what were you saying?"

"I said that theres this party this weekend. We can leave on the Friday night for the party and stay one night at Marks house and then come home on the Saturday. What do you say?" Hoseok

I don't know about that.

"Come on man. There will be girls there too, you can meet someone that takes your fancy. Marks parents are letting him come back for the weekend with the whole house to himself and we invited almost half the school. Mark is the go to guy for girls." Hoseok


Does that mean Jimin would be going too?

Oh just great, I hope he doesn't sleep with anyone. I don't think I could bare the pain this time and end up in hospital again.

"Can I think about?"

I asked him unsure but looked at Jungkook who was frowning at me with his arms crossed over his chest. Taehyung however looked confused to why I would be unsure of the idea an whispered in Jungkooks ear to receive a response back with another whisper in his ear.

"Sure, that's okay, but I have to say you'd be missing out if you didn't go. It's suppose to be a blast." Hoseok

I nodded going back to my thoughts but then something switched inside me. A flash of anger that I knew all too well wasn't my own, it was Jimins. He felt angry and enraged at something with flying curses flooding my mind. I didn't know who at first and it made me confused since he didn't think of the name of the person that was making him angry.

The I yelped and jumped with pain shooting up my right hand from my knuckles to my wrist. What the hell is he doing?

"Y/n are you okay?" Jungkook

I nod quietly forcing a smile and now rubbing my sore hand under the table.

"Yeah I'm fine its was ju-"

"Guys! Come quick!! Jimin's fighting!" Jin

He came running over shouting and then quickly ran back out the room with Hoseok quickly running after him with Taehyung and Jungkook. I however got up and ran after him to see what was going on. That would certainly explain the sore hand and anger but who was he fighting?

We followed Jin out the building to the square next to fountain that was the centre point of campus. There were already a few guys watching some cheering them on and some just watching out of curiosity.

I didn't expect to see what I did but the rage on Jimins dark scary face was proof to his emotions that I could feel. He was punching Lucas in the face as hard as he can while the guy stumbles back from him and landing on the floor.


Who Jin?

Has Lucas been picking on Jin too?

Jin stood there not sure of what to do while both Taehyung and Jungkook pulled the raging bull of Jimin off Lucas who was trying his hardest to keep his face covered from being further battered by Jimins fists. But Jimin wasn't having any of it, he was out of control and pushed both his friends away to come back and kick Lucas in the stomach forcing the guy to tumble to the side on the cold concrete floor and then another blow of a powerful kick to the face.


I was confused at this point he was talking about Jin right? Not me because it's been a while since Lucas has bothered me.

"Jimin come on! Let's go, you've given him a good beaten!" Taehyung

He tried to pry Jimin away from the cowering Lucas on the floor but Jimin was still not done, he pushed Taehyung away with more force but Jungkook caught him before Taehyung could fall down. Jimin wasn't going to stop, he was ready to kill him, I could feel it. I never seen Jimin like this nor did I feel this much angry towards me when I shut off my end of the bond.

Jungkook looked over his shoulder at me with desperation in his eyes to stop my soulmate. It seems Jimin is too far in his anger to let anyone stop him and I was the only shot right now. I nodded and walked passed Jin and Hoseok towards Jimin carefully and slowly.

Jimins again kicked Lucas in the back and threw another punch to the top of his head and then grabbed him by the collar to look at his beaten swollen face. I took the chance to grab Jimins fist that he raised in the air and he immediately reacts to look at me with shock when feeling those tingles when we touch all over again.

I stared him right in the eyes and shook my head feeling Jimins body start to relax at my touch but unwillingly doing so. He was still angry but calmed down just a little bit. Eventually he let go of Lucas allowing him to drop to the floor before giving me on last look and stomping away as others parted away to allow him to walk passed afraid that they could get the same beating If they didn't.

Of course I followed Jimin with Jungkook, Taehyung, Hoseok and Jin.

It seems like Jimin was heading back to our dorm and he did. We followed him from behind but kept our distance in case that was what he needed and it was. I could feel he wanted space and was confused and irritated to why he reacted so badly to Lucas over something as he thought shouldn't of bothered him so much.

I walked slightly ahead of the others but I could hear Jin explain how Lucas was apparently speaking to someone about how much he hates me and wanted to throw water and flour on me after lunch and they heard it and Jimin just reacted to it straight away without so much as a word, just punched the guy in the face.

It shocked me a little that Jimin did that but his temper was what shocked me the most, he was almost out of control. When we got back to the dorm Jimin shut himself in the bedroom and I stayed in the living room with the guys. Jin texted Namjoon what happened and that we would be having lunch in our dorm instead.

That was just crazy what I seen Jimin like, he was acting like he was possessed or something. It scares me yet I admire him for it.

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