Chapter 9

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I opened my eyes slowly to find myself laying down on my bed in the dim lighted bedroom. How did I even get here?

I rolled onto my side with a groan escaping my lips due to the throbbing in my head. Soothingly did I rub my head and I felt my wig move and I sat up quickly to try and adjust it tighter even if it does hurt my head a little more.

"You should lie back down sam. You might still be dizzy."

I froze to the sound of his voice from across the room in his own bed. I tucked in my pin at the back of my wig and moved it slightly while watching Jimin. I couldn't see his face just his figure laying down on his own back but his head turned in my direction. Hopefully he didn't see much of what I just did with my wig and thank goodness I didn't take it off in front of him. That would raise alarms.

"How did I end up here?"

"You passed out in the bathroom so I took you to bed after kicking in the door." Jimin

"Did Taehyung and Jungkook help you? I swear I heard them on the other side of the door."

I laid back down but only into my side staring off at his dark figure on his own bed.

"It was just me. I, I don't know how to explain it but I just knew. I knew something was wrong and I was right." Jimin

I could sense his confusion building up again as he rethinks about what happened. His thoughts filled with him banging with his fists on the door in panic while Jungkook and Taehyung confused to why he would act such a way suddenly until he broke open the door to reveal me passed out on the floor. I could see his memory replaying in his mind.

"Where is everyone now? Are they still drinking? It's very quiet?"

I wanted to keep the conversation going since this is the most he's spoken to me so far in one conversation. Even though the conversation now has been short it's usually over between us by now.

"They're in bed now. I think everyone will have hangovers tomorrow but not me or Yoongi. We only had a few compared to everyone else."

"Not me I feel fine."

I heard him grunt in amusement, already not believing in what I just told him when I genuinely believe I will be fine in a few hours time with more sleep.

"Somehow I don't think so but if that's what you believe then fine." Jimin

I poured my lips at him but I knew he wouldn't be able to see me since it was dark. I couldn't see his face so he wouldn't be able to see mine plus he was still laying on his back most likely staring up at the ceiling.

Silence took over between us and I amused he went back to sleep so I started to close my eyes but only to open them again when I heard him speak out loud his thoughts for the first time.

"I'm so confused." Jimin

I know what he means but I can't make it obvious.

"About what?"

I asked him but my voice coming out in whisper.

"You." Jimin

I frowned at him through the dark room and watched how his body rolled over to his side to face me.

"You confuse me. I get your my soulmates brother but what I feel towards you is not right and I don't know why I feel this way." Jimin

I had to act clueless or he'll catch on and I'll definitely have to act like I don't know what he's talking about.

"Your soulmate is my sister? She never told me about you? Have you met her?"

No one was to know about us besides Jungkook.

"That's because what we have is special. Well was." Jimin

The sadness in his tone hurts to hear but I can't show it. I just can't.


"Yeah was. I don't know if anyone else told you but she rejected me. She rejected me without warning just cut me off like I meant nothing to her. How do you think that would make me feel? How would you feel if that was you?! If you met your soulmate and she wanted nothing to do with you?!" Jimin

He grew angrier and angrier the more he spoke and even so much as to raise his voice and sit up on his bed but still looking my way. It was like he was so desperately wanting me to answer him as if my words would help him in some way.

"I-I'm sorry Jimin. I don't know what to say."

I really didn't.

He scoffs and flops back down on his bed.

"Figures. How would you know? Your sister has has made me nothing but an empty shell inside. I feel almost nothing and it scares me sometimes. But when I'm around you for some strange reason it's like there's this light right in front of me. It's strange because I know your not my soulmate." Jimin

Oh how wrong you are. I am your soulmate. I'm right here, I just can't tell you in case my parents find out. They would and I can't take chances.

"I don't feel anything Jimin I'm sorry."

I lied. I feel everything he feels and right now I feel nothing but pain and sadness.

"It's okay. I think it's just my mind messing with me. Probably trying to find something to feel again since I know that your her brother." Jimin

I hummed and turned to lie down on my back to look up at the ceiling like Jimin is, pulling the covers up to my chin for comfort.

"Yeah maybe."

I whispered but he didn't say anything back. Soon enough in our silence I could hear his soft snores as he feel asleep in peace surprisingly. Maybe because as his soul mate I listened to his torture to his feelings for the first time. He may not know it consciously but his soul will feel my presence always which would be why he feels the way he does around me.

Our souls are reaching out to one another. Begging for one another to connect but I keep pushing it all away but it's getting harder and harder with each waking day to do that. The more I'm around him the harder it is to hide it and I'm already struggling to keep the wall up between us.

Now that's he's asleep I could allow myself to quietly cry over the fact I hide this from him. To see how it affects him in person and as well as to hear him say it out loud is a whole different thing to hearing it and feeling it within myself of just how empty and pained he really is.

And it's all my fault.

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