Chapter 34

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I have to idea how long I had been sitting here by myself. My parents are taking their sweet ass time coming back but I can't complain. That means I'm not in trouble but the day is still young yet, meaning there's still some time before something that I've done pissed them off in some way. There's always something.

Sitting on this chair I began to just tap my feet on the floor, my hands tucked underneath my thighs all in a world of my own. But when I felt a tap on my shoulder and that tingling sensation through out my body, it was obviously Jimin.

"Hey there Sam." Jimin

He emphasised on the name like a hidden joke, which it is.

"Yes Jimin?"

He giggled just to walk around from  behind me to the front, hands behind his back grinning ear to ear.

"I thought since you are all alone and your parents are no where to be found, that maybe this would be the chance for you to meet my parents? They're in our dorm." Jimin

I gasped and out of habit looked around my surroundings for any sign of my Dad.

"Jimin I cant. What if my dad comes back and finds me gone?"

He rolled his eyes at me, grabbing my wrist just to pull me up to stand on my feet just to pull me close to him to whisper in my ear.

"I just seen your parents go into the headmasters office. They'll be in there for a while, trust me." Jimin

Pulling back a little from him he just winked at me, showing of his slight smile on his face. He had done something hadn't he? I just know it but he's blocking that from me right now.

"How can you be so certain?"

"Urgh, can you stop being so stubborn and just come with me. Trust me you'll be back before they even get a chance to. Now lets go." Jimin

I pouted but allowed him to drag me along with him by the wrist, lightly pushing and excusing ourselves between the crowd of people in this large hall. Making a quick exit from the building that was when Jimin took my hand properly, locking our fingers between each other and walked side by side but at a quickened pace so we could get across campus faster.

In silence we made it back to the dorm, Jimin opening the door as I heard chatter on the other side before a middle aged couple came to view, standing in the middle of the living room. I gulped nervously when the two just instantly turned to us as we entered.

Jimin only let go of my hand for a second to close the door but took my hand again as he began to walk close to his parents and I had no choice but to follow him. Although the two just smiled at me, his dad showing off that similar smile that Jimin gives me everyday.

"Hello there Y/n. It's nice to finally meet you after all these years." Jimin's dad

The man held his hand out to me and I took it just to shake out of respect.

"Hi, its nice to meet you too Mr Park."

I was nervous as hell but they seemed nice so far. I forgot that his parents know all about us.

"Well aren't you a gem? Come here."

The moment my hand left Mr Park's, Jimin's mother brought me into her embrace, her arms stretched out around me just to hug me tightly as if I were a doll she's been missing for years. I gazed over to Jimin and he just facepalmed himself, groaning with embarrassment t but I actually quite liked it. Her hugs are different compared to my moms, hers are more forced and tensed where as this hug I was getting from a stranger was much more comforting and filled with warmth.

"Mom, you promised you would play it cool!" Jimin

"This is her being cool Jimin. You know it could of been a lot worse." Mr Park

He laughed, patting Jimin on the shoulder but Jimin just shook his head, rolling his eyes.

"Okay, mom that's enough with all the hugs." Jimin

Jimin gently grabbed my arm and pried me out of his mothers arms which she tried to protest to but failed when I found myself back by Jimin's side.

"I'm sorry Y/n, it's just we've been waiting for this moment to finally meet you for years." Mrs Park

She beamed brightly, just to take hold of her husbands arm.


"Oh yes. Ever since Jimin was a young boy he's been talking about you. He tells us everything." Mrs Park

Surprised I turned to Jimin but he just sighed and looked away with his rosy cheeks.

"I don't tell you everything mom." Jimin

"No but enough to tell us about Y/n." Mrs Park

"We're sorry to hear about your circumstances with your parents, Y/n. It's a shame they aren't more accepting to your connection like we are. We think it's amazing that the bond the two of you share is so powerful you come back every lifetime to find each other." Mr Park

I honestly couldn't believe what I was hearing. Yeah Jimin told me that their parents knew about us and our connection but to hear from his dad saying he thinks it's cool, is just so much more better to hear. I've grown up with my parents telling me the complete opposite.

"Thank you Mr Park."

I couldn't help but bow to him but he widen his eyes to me and shook his head.

"You don't have to do that Y/n. We're basically like family now." Mr Park

"I couldn't agree more." Mrs Park

Okay, I could cry right now. Trying to keep it together I latched onto Jimin's arm for some sort of comfort but he just kissed the top of my head. He knows how I'm feeling about this right now and I know in some way through our connection he's trying to make me feel a little more cheered up.

Honestly I didn't expect them to say things like that to me on our first meeting. It just means a lot.

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