-Chapter 2: The Quidditch Pitch-

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"Sirius!" James yelled from the other side of the quidditch pitch.

Sirius had been staring... AGAIN! he turned to face James, gave him a quick flip of a finger and continued to practice.

He had just scored a goal (with James as the keeper, since he couldn't practice seeking) and had turned around to dramatically emphasize his score; when he saw Remus watching him from the stands. Once Remus realized Sirius had caught him staring he immediately went back to 'reading' his book, trying to hide his blush now traveling across his cheeks.

Ok... maybe Remus wasn't actually reading, he hadn't been the whole time since they got to the quidditch pitch! Its not his fault that Sirius' shorts where a bit too short, and that he had tied his soft; wavy black hair into a high ponytail and-

"Someone's got a staring problem."

Remus nearly fell out of his seat. He turned around as quickly as he could to see none other than Lily Evans sitting beside him.

"w-what!" Remus protested "n-no I don't!"

"Its not just you... Sirius too." Lily replied with a soft smirk on her face.

"What do you-"

"Uhhhhh!" she sighed "isn't it obvious! you both totally fancy each other!" Lily replied excitedly. clapping her hands together.

"I don't think he likes me like that..." Remus explained, looking down at his lap.

"Are you serious? Just look at him! He can't keep his eyes off you!" Lily replied, pointing her finger into the sky where Sirius sat on his broom, staring at REMUS!

Remus felt his face heat up and smiled back up at Sirius, (even though he was on the other side of the quidditch pitch) you could still see Sirius' cheeks flush red once he had seen Remus smile at him.

"told you so." Lily said, elbowing him lightly in the ribs.

Remus didn't reply, he couldn't help but look into Sirius' eyes. Even though you couldn't make them out that well (from the distance) they were still so beautiful-

"SIRIUS! WATCH OUT" he heard James yell, but he couldn't see him... then he did.

Lily let out a gasp and clasped her hands over her mouth. James had just slammed into Sirius, full speed! Knocking Sirius off his broom, Remus had leaped out off his seat, grasped his wand and pointed it at the falling Sirius.



Sirius was placed in one of the beds in the far corner of the hospital wing. Remus had occupied the seat next to his bed, while James and lily stood. Remus' cheeks had been stained by his tear and he felt another roll down, he quickly wiped it away with the cuff of his sleeve, so no one would see him crying.

Sirius still hadn't woken up yet, and they were still waiting on madam Pomfrey to tell them what Sirius had injured.

Since Remus wasn't the best at the spell, it just slowed Sirius' fall instead of stopping him completely. So Sirius still fell and hit the ground rather hard.

Sirius' hand was hanging off the side of the bed, right next to Remus. He took the unconscious boys hand, intertwining their fingers. After a moment of silence, Remus felt a quick squeeze on his hand, he looked down at their joined hands and saw Sirius' fingers twitch. Then came a soft chuckle. Remus looked up at Sirius and saw a smile forming on his face, next his eyes fluttered open.

"You all right mate?"James asked Sirius.

Crap! Remus had forgotten that James and Lily where there! He quickly let go of Sirius' hand and tried to act like nothing happened.

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